What to do on Competition Day!
What to do on Competition Day!
Navigate the New AMC: Administer the Competitions
Welcome back to our email series guiding you through the new AMC Platform! You can find the previous emails in the series on our website. This email will focus on how to host the new AMC on Competition Day.
Reminder: Approve all participating students in your Competition Administration Portal before Competition Day! 

Those using Print & Scan Administration should also make sure all materials are printed in advance. Booklets will become available to print 5 days before the competition.

Step 1: Distribute the Competition
With the new AMC Platform, you can choose to administer the competition in digital format to some of your students, and in paper format for the rest - you no longer have to choose one format for the whole group!

Digital Administration: 

Share the Student Login URL on the “Official Digital Competition” page of the Competition Administration Portal with all participants. 
Screenshot of Official Digital Competition Page with Student Registration URL & Digital Competition Passcode
Instruct your students to sign onto their Student Portal with their devices using the password they created during registration. They will also need to use the same email address from registration. 

When you are ready to begin, distribute the unique Digital Competition Passcode (also found on your “Official Digital Competition” page) to your students. It is imperative that you do not share this code in advance of Competition Day. Participants will not be able to start the competition without this passcode. 

Print & Scan Administration: 

Distribute all competition booklets and unique student Answer Sheets to the respective participants. Instruct your students to read the front page of the booklet and not to open it until instructed.
Step 2: Preview the Competition Experience
Digital Administration: 

The digital competition will automatically be timed within the platform, so you do not need to use a timer. 

From the Competition Administration Portal, open the “Digital Student Registration” page in the left column to see your student’s progress and check for final submission. The “Approved” column will indicate when each participant in your list has begun the competition. When a student has finished their competition, the "Approved" column will show “(Complete)”:
Digital Student Registration page showing student progress on the digital competition in the Approved column
Once you see that all participants are showing up as “Complete,” you are done with the competition! 

If you encounter any technical difficulties during the competition, please contact amctech@maa.org.

Print & Scan Administration:

Set the timer for either 75 minutes (AMC 10/12) or 40 minutes (AMC 8). After the allotted time, direct students to stop working, and collect the Answer Sheets and competition booklets immediately. 

Reminders for Both Formats:

Once the competitions begin, continually monitor your students for the duration of the competition. You may not answer any questions about the problems and should ensure that no participant has the opportunity to communicate by any means with any other person while the competition is in progress.

If there is an urgent need to use the bathroom, all materials should remain with you. No other breaks are permitted.
Need More Support?
AMC 2022-23 Virtual Information Session: Introducing the New AMC Platform - Oct. 27, 5:30 p.m. ET
AMC Platform Training Webinar TONIGHT: At 5:30 pm ET this evening, Oct. 27, we will be walking through the new platform on Zoom so you can practice administration steps with our AMC team. Register here.

Teacher’s Manuals: You can find this year’s updated Teacher's Manuals on the respective AMC 10/12 and AMC 8 pages.

Next Series Email: We’ll see you on Tuesday for Part 5 of the series, which will discuss policies and how we are working to protect the integrity of the competition.
Questions? For AMC registration, policy, and payment, contact amcinfo@maa.org or 800-527-3690. For technical issues, contact amctech@maa.org.
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