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The European Union AI Act

A conversation with Kai Zenner, Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (European People’s Party Group) in the European Parliament

Thursday, September 19, 2024

4:00 - 5:30 pm Eastern Time

Live Broadcast via Zoom* 

* A limited amount of in-person seating is available for Fordham Law students, faculty, and staff. To attend in person, sign up using the following button: 
About the Program:

Fordham Law Professor Olivier Sylvain will moderate a workshop led by Kai Zenner, a leading expert in digital policy and AI regulation, to explore the European Union's AI Act. The session will provide an overview of the AI Act, including its classification of AI systems by risk and the stringent obligations placed on developers of high-risk AI. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the political negotiations surrounding the Act, practical insight on compliance and governance, and perspective on how the Act will impact AI governance and innovation within the EU and beyond.

Kai Zenner is Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (European People’s Party Group) in the European Parliament. Describing himself as a digital enthusiast, he focuses on AI, privacy and the EU’s digital transition. Currently, he is involved in the political negotiations on the AI Act, AI liability directive, eprivacy Regulation and GDPR revision. In his individual capacity, he is pushing for reforms within the European Parliament and for bringing back the Better Regulation agenda to EU policymaking. Mr. Zenner graduated in political science (M.Sc. at University of Edinburgh, B.A. at University of Bremen) and in law (State Exam at University of Munster). Before moving to the European Parliament, he worked as research associate at the European office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brussels. He is member of the OECD. AI Network of Experts and of the AI Governance Alliance from the World Economic Forum. He was also part of the temporary Expert Group that supported the 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI' of the United Nations.
The Center on Law and Information Policy (“CLIP”) was founded at Fordham Law School to contribute to the development of law and policy in the area of information technology. 
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