JMC School Hosts Spring Career Fair |
JMC students meet with companies at the fall 2024 career fair. | Photo by Evan Riggs
The William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications Career Fair attracted 112 students and 17 companies last Thursday to Stauffer-Flint Hall. Companies from Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, Wichita and Joplin, Missouri were represented. Students also had the opportunity to get their resumes reviewed and take professional portraits at the LinkedIn photo booth.
These companies engaged our students and gave them the opportunity to explore career paths and network with industry professionals. Career fair guests also stopped by the studio for an up-close look at the live production of KUJH News.
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The KC Ad Club’s 2025-26 Foundation Scholarship application is now open. The scholarship has been awarded for over 30 years and helps students set themselves apart from their peers and get involved in the thriving Kansas City advertising community. Current sophomores and juniors interested in marketing, graphic arts and related fields are encouraged to apply. If selected, you will receive a $2,500 scholarship, a dedicated mentor and free membership to KC Ad Club events for a year. Deadline is Friday, March 14. Learn more and apply.
Emergency fund application now available: Current JMC students experiencing a financial emergency can apply for one-time grants up to $500. The funding does not have to be repaid. Information about what qualifies as an emergency and the application can be found here.
JMC student Emma Saville is pictured with Vice Provost for Student Affairs Tammara Durham. | Photo courtesy of KU Student Affairs.
JMC student Emma Saville received the Campanile Award. The award was the senior class gift from the Class of 2000 and is presented to a graduating senior. The recipient must display outstanding leadership, strength of character and respect for the University of Kansas and its students.
Darren Brown, senior content producer for Cheyenne and Arapaho Television, visited members of the Good Morning Indian Country team last week.
Seniors: Want to be featured on the JMC School Instagram ahead of graduation? Email Communications Coordinator Evan Riggs at
Join the Resource Center and tech assistants for fun themes each day this week.
Jodi Whitt, Chief Digital Navigator at the KU Center for Digital Inclusion, was featured in WIBW’s Salute Our Heroes segment on Feb. 24 for her efforts in advancing technology education among justice-impacted women in Kansas. A former participant in the Center’s evidence-based technology education program for women transitioning from incarceration in the U.S. Midwest, Whitt has served as a digital navigator at the Center for the past three years. Here is the link to the WIBW story.
Sign up to judge the KSPA State Contests and support journalism students across Kansas! Entries will be sent by April 12, with results due April 18 for a quick turnaround. Choose specific categories or let us place you where needed—your expertise makes a difference! Sign up here.
Associate Professor Hong Vu, Dr. Nhung Nguyen (a recent graduate of KU’s Journalism & Mass Communication Doctoral Program), Doctoral Candidate Narza Izhar, and Assistant Professor Vaibhav Diwanji have had their manuscript accepted for publication in Environmental Communication. The study, titled “Climate Change is Real, but I Don't Wanna Talk About It: Unraveling Spiral of Silence Effects Regarding Climate Change Among Midwestern American Farmers," was conducted as part of the Multimodal Communication for Local Climate Awareness Project.
Professor of the Practice Lisa McLendon served as a judge for the 15th annual ACES National Grammar Day Poetry Contest.
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Lecturer Amber Fraley’s story “Against All Odds” was published in the latest issue of the Lawrence Magazine. Fraley’s story highlights oft-neglected houseplants that may stand the test of time.
KU Libraries hosting presentation on impact of Open Education: Virginia Clinton-Lisell, associate professor in educational foundations and research at the University of North Dakota and lead researcher of the Open Education Group, will visit the University of Kansas Lawrence campus to deliver a public lecture about her research on open education.
Open educational resources (OER) are openly licensed teaching and learning materials accessible to anyone at no cost. Clinton-Lisell’s presentation, "The Power of Open Education: Research-Based Insights on Open Licensing in the Classroom," will focus on the effects that OER can have on teaching and learning outcomes and the assessment needed to determine their influence. The talk will take place at 10 a.m. March 14 in Watson Library 3 West. Read more in KU Today.
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Local job opportunity for a JMC student: The Lawrence Farmers Market is hiring a part-time market manager. The market manager will help the market run every Saturday morning during the season, handle administrative tasks and vendor relationships, create content, engage with the community and manage social media channels. The full position description is available here. To apply, send your cover letter and resume to
Internship and student jobs
- Marketing Manager, Merlin Entertainments (Kansas City)
Membership Development Specialist, Andover Area Camber of Commerce (Andover, Kansas)
Senior Manager, Social Media, National Women's Soccer League (New York, New York)
Social Media Manager, Prime Video Sports (Culver City, California)
Junior Writer, Marketing and Brand Communications, KU Endowment (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Check out the JSchoolTech March Newsletter that gives insight on new apps, important ideas and ways you can get involved to learn more,
JMC School students Gabby Loustau, Ricky Smith, and Gracie Wheeler, along with School of Architecture and Design students Anna Dority, Chloe Grimm and Sarah Montes, presented their work to members of KC DesignCore, a professional Adobe design group based in Kansas City.
The students showcased both personal projects and class assignments last Tuesday, gaining valuable feedback and networking opportunities with industry professionals. Members of KC DesignCore were highly impressed by the creativity and quality of the students' work.
Want to build your video editing skills? Join the Future Creatives at 11 a.m. every Friday at the JBar. March is all about Premiere Pro. Email Heather Lawrenz if you have questions.
- Haley Koskovich is social media and brand content manager at SageAge.
- Andrew Lind is sports director at WIBW TV in Topeka.
- Kate Miller is a content marketing manager at Valenz Health.
Courtney Saysiri is strategic client executive at Rx Savings Solutions.
- March 26: Ad Club Meeting, 7 p.m., Clarkson Gallery
- April 10: William Allen White Day, 3 p.m., Kansas Union Ballroom
- May 17: JMC School Graduation Ceremony, 8:30 a.m., Lied Center
May 18: KU Commencement, 10:30 a.m., David Booth Memorial Stadium
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