Al Lawson gets a challenger and Jamal Simmons heads to The Hill
Al Lawson gets a challenger and Jamal Simmons heads to The Hill
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January 31, 2018
Roland Martin and José Díaz-Balart Dine with POTUS Before SOTU, Turmoil at LULAC, and Native American Congressman Pursues Chairmanship
In his first State of the Union address, Donald Trump called for Democrats’ help in addressing immigration while falsely equating immigrants with gang members. He said Americans are “Dreamers” too. Agreed. Especially those who thought this SOTU address would strike a tone of unity. When 45 said, “The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration -- under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives,” the chamber echoed boos. Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chair Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA), made a thumbs-down sign as Trump outlined his immigration demands. Many Dems brought “Dreamers” as their guests. In response, Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) asked Capitol Police and AG Jeff Sessions to consider IDing all attendees. He said they should arrest any “illegal aliens in attendance" and that any of them “attempting to go through security" should also be deported. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus who attended defiantly remained seated when POTUS45 touted Black and Hispanic unemployment rates. In a contrasting speech reminiscent of former President Barack Obama, Congressman Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) delivered the Democratic response saying, “You bravely say, Me too. You steadfastly say, Black lives matter. You wade through flood waters, battle hurricanes, brave wildfires and mudslides to save a stranger.” He talked social justice, transgender equality, and economic opportunity, and appeared to be well received by viewers. By the way, yes his lip gloss was popping. Poking some fun at himself on CNN this morning, he said he put on chapstick without considering the HD and lighting. Highlighting the growing and diverse voices in the Democratic Party, Kennedy’s was not the only response last night. And it continues this evening, as Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) joins Angela Rye for a final response on BET Networks. Lastly, the Department of Health and Human Services announced this morning that Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigned after mounting questions about financial conflicts of interest. She bought shares in tobacco one month into the job. Let’s get to it. We’re kicking off Wednesday with this...

  • Native American Congressman to pursue Appropriations Committee chairmanship.
  • POTUS45 Dines with José Díaz-Balart, Lester Holt, Roland Martin, Yamiche Alcindor before SOTU.
  • One of the first Latinas elected to the Virginia House of Delegates delivers the Spanish-language SOTU rebuttal.
  • FEMA halts food and water shipments to Puerto Rico.
  • WH scraps pick for South Korea Ambassador.
  • LULAC faces internal scramble after rogue letter endorsed Trump’s immigration plan.  
  • Jamal Simmons joins The Hill.
  • Google’s Howard West expands to include more HBCUs.
  • A gay Republican nightclub owner in Texas launches congressional campaign.
  • Boston City Council's only woman of color makes it official: she’s running for Congress.
  • Former Jacksonville Mayor to challenge Congressman Al Lawson (D-FL).
  • Is Harold Ford Jr. back on MSNBC?
  • Meet the new Deputy Night Editor at the NYT, and the DC bureau adds to its ranks.
  • WaPo has a new Director for their graphics.
  • FCC votes to change delivery of emergency alerts.
  • Senators intro bill to protect Bears Ears and other monuments.
  • They want you, they really do! Jobs, jobs, jobs below and on our website. Apply and help diversify.
Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-TX) on Monday night being interviewed on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews about the sudden resignation of the FBI Deputy Director and other breaking news. 
Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), Rose Gunter (niece of Recy Taylor), Beth Hubbard (producer of The Rape of Recy Taylor), and Heidi Nel (The Raben Group) on the Hill before the SOTU address.
Cole Pursues House Appropriations Committee Chair
With Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) retiring, a battle for chairmanship ensues. Frelinghuysen is chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee. As the 12-term Congressman plans his departure, Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) -- one of only two tribal members currently serving in Congress -- has announced he will run for chair. Cole is a member of the Chickasaw Nation and has served in Congress since 2002. He will face Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX). But since Frelinghuysen plans to stay on through 2018, the vote for a successor isn't expected until December or January 2019. And of course, this is assuming Republicans maintain their majority in the House. More about Cole here.
Senators Intro Bill to Protect National Monuments Like Bears Ears
In response to Donald Trump’s shrinking of Bears Ears and other monuments, Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and a group of 18 Democratic Senators -- including Kamala Harris (D-CA), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) -- introduced legislation to enhance protections for national monuments. The ANTIQUITIES Act of 2018 reinforces Congress’ intent in the Antiquities Act of 1906: only Congress has the authority to modify a national monument designation. It was met with support from the five Bears Ears Coalition Tribes (Hopi, Navajo, Ute, Ute Mountain Ute, and Zuni): “We support this legislation that would realize our tribes’ vision for Bears Ears.” This comes as the tribes fight a bill sponsored by Congressman John Curtis (R-UT) which would codify Trump’s attempt to repeal and replace Bears Ears National Monument. It would also eliminate the tribes’ ability to meaningfully co-manage Bears Ears. The bill was debated in a House Natural Resources subcommittee earlier this month. Learn more about the Senate effort here.
Throwing some major shade at FCC Chair Ajit Pai, Commissioner Mignon Clyburn on Tuesday with a shoutout to the fast food giant and its recent ad supporting net neutrality.
CA AG Xavier Becerra's staff surprised him with a cake for his 60th birthday on Friday.
FEMA Halts Food and Water Shipments to Puerto Rico
FEMA is halting new shipments of food and water to Puerto Rico more than four months after Hurricane Maria. FEMA has called the island's emergency operation the longest sustained distribution of food, fuel, and water in agency history, including more than $1.6 billion worth of food and more than $361 million worth of water. New shipments of food and water will officially stop today, though FEMA said it has more than 46 million liters of water, two million Meals Ready to Eat and two million snack packs on the ground for distribution if needed. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, a frequent critic of the federal response to the devastating September hurricane, reacted to the decision on Twitter, asking in Spanish, "Seriously, are they leaving? This is the kind of indifference that must be stopped. Enough." Nearly half a million electric utility customers remain without power. Domingo Marqués, a clinical psychologist who lives in San Juan, said many outlying towns still have serious problems with food and water. More here.
Admin Stance on North Korea Derails Ambassador Pick
Academic Victor D. Cha, the White House’s original pick for Ambassador to South Korea, has seen his nomination derailed over the admin’s consideration of military options against North Korea and economic policies that imposed new tariffs on South Korean imports. WaPo reports that Cha expressed disagreement with the admin’s stances in late December -- namely concerns over the National Security Council’s consideration of a limited strike on North Korea -- which led to his no longer being considered for the ambassadorship. Months had been spent doing a security and financial background check on Cha, and the U.S. had formally notified South Korea at the end of the year that his nomination would be sent to the Senate. South Korean officials quickly signed off on Cha. Donald Trump has yet to nominate an Ambassador to South Korea -- a vital ally amid growing tensions with North Korea -- a year into the presidency. More here.
Megaphone Strategies is hiring! We are an incredible group of diverse communications professionals looking for a media relations aficionado to join our senior management team.
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Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is looking for a Data Director to help her grassroots advocacy work and join her 2018 re-election campaign.
Click here to learn more & apply!
Trump Dines with José Díaz-Balart, Lester Holt, Roland Martin, Yamiche Alcindor, and Others Before SOTU
Hours before his first formal State of the Union address, Donald Trump gathered some top news anchors at the White House. Among the group were Telemundo's José Díaz-Balart, PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor, and TV One’s Roland Martin. Politico reports that Trump had a pointed exchange with NBC News anchor Lester Holt regarding a May 2017 interview in which the president said he considered the “Russia thing” when deciding to fire former FBI Director James Comey. The president accused Holt of editing the interview to remove Trump comments the president claimed were almost “Shakespearean,” according to attendees. Holt responded that the entire interview ran online. The Apprentice star also commented during the lunch about how much money he made for the network and suggested the company’s brass, rather than the specific journalists, were to blame for coverage he doesn’t like. Other lunch attendees included George Stephanopoulos and David Muir (ABC News), Norah O'Donnell and Jeff Glor (CBS), Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum (Fox News), Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer (CNN), Steve Scully (C-SPAN), Judy Woodruff (PBS), White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Communications Director Hope Hicks. Politico reports that VP Mike Pence and Chief of Staff John Kelly also stopped by. More here.
Guzmán Delivers Spanish-Language Rebuttal to Trump
Elizabeth Guzmán
, one of the first Latinas elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, delivered the Spanish-language rebuttal to Donald Trump's SOTU address. Guzmán called out Trump for eliminating DACA and threatening to deport “Dreamers,” ending TPS, and failing Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. “He has demeaned communities of color – launching a mass deportation agenda, and insulting the heritage of anyone who doesn’t look like him. He has imposed a hateful, immoral ban against our Muslim brothers and sisters,” she said. She closed out her remarks with a call for more candidates and leaders with stories similar to hers. Watch her full address here (in Spanish with English subtitles).
Jamal Simmons Joins The Hill to Launch New Show
The Hill is expected to announce today that The Beat DC’s Jamal Simmons will help launch an exciting new digital platform for the political journalism outlet. Jamal is starting a progressive opinion show due out later this year. But don’t worry. He’s not going far. Look out for future collaborations between The Beat DC and The Hill. “I’m excited about this new opportunity to tell stories about an America that includes all of us, not just the few Donald Trump represents,” said the Morehouse College and Harvard graduate. “I’ve been proud to be part of The Beat DC’s explosive launch. I look forward to continuing expanding a platform that has changed the landscape of DC tipsheets.” Jamal was most recently a Principal at The Raben Group, where he had been for nine years. A campaign veteran, he has been a valued voice in politics and media for more than three decades. We’re super excited to be part of the next steps on his journey. Congrats, Jamal! 
Did Harold Ford Return to MSNBC?
Former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford Jr. was slated to return to MSNBC on Tuesday after Morgan Stanley “clarified” that he wasn’t fired for sexual misconduct, according to Page Six. However, we didn’t see him in any of the network’s coverage. Did we miss it? The network pulled him off the air on December 7th amid media reports suggesting he harassed a female journalist at a Manhattan dinner in 2014. Ford strongly denied the claims. The bank, where Ford was a Managing Director, said in a statement last week about reports Ford was terminated for sexual misconduct, “He was not. We have not received any internal allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct involving him.” Ford is a political analyst for NBC/MSNBC and appears on Morning Joe. MSNBC hasn't provided any additional details about Ford's status and the status of the network's inquiry, despite regular requests for updates from numerous outlets. We'll keep watching and keep you posted.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is looking a talented writer to join her digital team’s 2018 re-election campaign.
Click here to learn more & apply!
PFAW is looking for a Media Relations Director to lead media outreach for the organization and work with senior level staff to help develop strategies to maximize the impact of our paid and earned media work.
Click here to learn more & apply!
New Deputy Night Editor at The NYT
The NYT has named Margaret Ho Deputy Night Editor. She joined The Times in 2010 and made the rounds of many copy desks in New York before settling in BizDay. She regularly copy-edited David Carr’s Media Equation column and camped out overnight in the New York office in 2011 during Hurricane Irene. In 2015, she moved to Hong Kong, where she edited mostly breaking news that originated in Asia and helped out with Washington and political news during Hong Kong’s day. She grew up in New York, France, South Carolina, and New Jersey. Her first job was as a grant writer at a charter school in Harlem. Congrats, Margaret!
NYT Names Senior Staff Editor
The NYT Washington bureau has added to its editing ranks. Teshia Morris will be joining the team in February as a Senior Staff Editor. She was most recently a Senior Staff Editor on the Print Hub. Prior to that, she was an Assistant Deskhead on the live copy desk, where she expertly shepherded Washington, National, and Foreign stories online and into print. Before that, the 2002 Wichita State grad worked on the Metro copy desk. She also worked as a Sports Copy Editor for the Philadelphia Inquirer and later at The Baltimore Sun. As the daughter of an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant, she has lived all over the country and the world -- Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, the U.K., and Germany. Congrats, Teshia! More about her here.
WaPo Graphics Get a New Director
The Washington Post announced that it has promoted Chiqui Esteban to serve as their new Graphics Director. Esteban joined WaPo in 2016 from National Geographic, where he was the Deputy Director for Art, Maps and Graphics. Before that, the University of Navarre (Spain) grad was the Graphics Director at The Boston Globe. Before Boston, Esteban spent much of his career in Spanish newsrooms such as Público, La Voz de Galicia, and Fun fact: his full name is José María 'Chiqui' Esteban Gallego Cádiz, a naming custom familiar to many Hispanics. (The Beat DC has a Brenda Vanesa Arredondo Calderón González Ruelas Méndez Vargas.) ¡Felicidades Chiqui! Más aquí.
DNC Chair Tom Pérez on Saturday speaking with Major Garrett of CBS News for the podcast The Takeout.

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Tuesday night visiting with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) before both headed over to the U.S. Capitol for the SOTU address.
Turmoil at LULAC
¿Qué está pasando? Congressional Republicans were quick to spread word yesterday that Donald Trump’s immigration proposal had been endorsed by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) -- the oldest Latino civil rights organization in the U.S. Well, it turns out that LULAC National President Roger Rocha wrote a letter to Trump over the weekend saying that the WH’s framework was one “LULAC can support.” Sources tell The Beat DC that this was done without the knowledge of LULAC staff and its board, who last night were circulating calls for Rocha’s removal. Some LULAC members took to Twitter to demand Rocha’s resignation, using #FueraRocha -- Spanish for “get out, Rocha.” LULAC CEO Brent Wilkes, the organization’s representative to the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda coalition, has stated that, “President Trump’s immigration framework is an unacceptable wish list of far right anti-immigrant policies that will impose draconian measures on hardworking immigrants, separate families, slash legal immigration and build an offensive US tax-payer funded wall on our border with Mexico. ... The President is holding the lives of 1.8 million DREAMers hostage to meet his divisive campaign promises and we urge Congress to reject the framework as a non-starter.” See Rocha’s letter here.
Google’s Howard West Expands to More HBCUs
Last summer, Howard University dispatched 26 students to Google's Mountain View, CA campus for an intensive 12-week course on coding. The experimental test run went so well, boosting students' technical chops, that now -- starting in the fall -- the internet giant is opening the program to 100 students from Howard and other HBCUs for a full academic year. Tech companies blame a small pool of job applicants for the strikingly low numbers of African Americans and Hispanics working in Silicon Valley. But research from USA Today shows that top universities turn out African American and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering graduates at twice the rate leading tech companies hire them. HU President Wayne Frederick says Howard West was one of the factors contributing to a more than 40% year-over-year increase in computer science enrollment at the university. Over time it could expose hundreds, possibly thousands, of students from diverse backgrounds to Silicon Valley, opening up the possibility that more African Americans will find jobs in the tech industry, Frederick adds. More here.
Tallahassee, FL Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum Tuesday morning with the crew from The Breakfast Club on Power 105.1 in NYC.
FL "Dreamer" Adrian Escarate with Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL). Escarate was the Congressman's guest at last night's SOTU address.
Gay Nightclub Owner Launches Congressional Campaign -- As a Republican
A nightclub owner and member of the LGBTQ community is running for Congress in Texas’ 21st Congressional District -- as a Republican. He’s hoping to unseat Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), who has held the seat for the last 30 years. Mauro E. Garza, the owner of the Pegasus nightclub, previously worked with the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Garza developed councils on alcohol and drug abuse for the State of Texas and was nationally certified as a trainer for the National Institutes on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. The Corpus Christi native has lived in the San Antonio area for almost 30 years. He received a Master's of Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio and was an adjunct faculty member at San Antonio College for seven years. The 21st District encompasses South Austin, San Antonio, Dripping Springs, San Marcos, New Braunfels, Boerne, Kerrville, and Fredericksburg. On his campaign Facebook page, he writes, “The only LGBTQ agenda I push is that of RESPECT. I do not wish to force Americans to understand our culture and various subcultures or even to accept them. However, I will continue to fight for the American Agenda that allows the Members of the LGBTQ Community to exercise our freedoms within the parameters of the laws in this great nation.” More here.
Boston City Council’s Only Woman of Color Launches Congressional Bid
Earlier this month we told you about Boston’s At-Large City Councilor Ayanna Pressley. She won her re-election last November as the first woman of color to serve on Boston’s City Council and was contemplating challenging Congressman Michael Capuano (D-MA). Now it’s official. She will be giving her fellow Dem the most serious challenge yet in the fall primary. Her decision sets up a battle between two outspoken liberals with similar policy positions in a Democratic stronghold -- but one that the 43-year-old Pressley appears keen to fight on generational lines against the 66-year-old Capuano. “Making progress on longstanding challenges requires a different lens and a new approach,” Pressley said. “I will be a bold voice in Congress, as an advocate for the entire district and as a champion for opportunity. This moment in time demands nothing less.” The district had a 56% minority population when it was drawn by the legislature for the 2012 election and is the state’s only congressional district where the majority of residents are persons of color. Pressley’s political career spans more than 18 years, in various behind-the-scenes capacities at the federal level. She previously worked as a Senior Aide to Congressman Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) and former Senator John Kerry. The Chicago native attended Boston University but dropped out to support her mother who had lost her job. More here.
Al Lawson Gets a Challenger
Former Jacksonville, FL Mayor Alvin Brown announced Tuesday he is running for Congress in an effort to unseat Congressman Al Lawson (D-FL). Brown said in a written statement that he chose to run because the region, state, and country can “do better.” This marks Brown’s return to politics after a nearly three-year hiatus. Elected as Mayor in 2011, the Jacksonville University graduate became the first African American to hold the top seat in City Hall. He served one term before losing a bitterly fought campaign in 2015. Brown’s record as mayor was generally considered to be more conservative than liberal as he shied away from supporting legislation that would prohibit discrimination against gay and transgender people. Instead, the 56-year-old focused on job creation, economic development, and reducing the city’s budget-crippling pension debt. The congressional district’s boundaries, once a narrow slither that zig-zagged south from Jacksonville to Orlando, were redrawn before the 2016 election after a judge ruled that it violated the Florida Constitution’s Fair Districts amendment against gerrymandering. As for Lawson, he replied with this: "He used to call me his mentor when I was in the Florida Legislature, but he’s been hanging around with Corrine Brown all the time. I guess maybe she motivated him to get into the race.” Lawson defeated Brown in 2015. At the end of 2017, Lawson had $100,000 in his campaign war chest. More here.
Soledad O'Brien out on Saturday with one of her horses.
CA congressional candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar on Friday out on the campaign trail.
FCC Changes Delivery of Emergency Alerts
On Tuesday, the FCC voted to require wireless providers to deliver more geographically precise emergency alerts after a string of natural disasters. Wireless services will now be required to deliver alerts to an entire geographic area designated by government officials that overlaps with their coverage networks. They will also be restricted from sending alerts more than 0.1 miles outside that area, according to The Hill. Officials say delivering more precise alerts will make them more effective because cell phone users will likely only see warnings that apply to them and take them more seriously. Supporters of the change say it will also encourage local authorities to use the alert system. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said, "Overbroad alerting can cause public confusion, lead some to opt out of receiving alerts altogether, and, in many instances, complicate rescue efforts by unnecessarily causing traffic congestion and overloading call centers.” Pai introduced the policy after Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) raised concerns about problems with how the system targets alerts after deadly wildfires in their state last year. More here.
Today, 5:30P: The African American Women on the Hill Network hosts a Welcome Back to Congress networking happy hour. Bullfeathers, 410 First Street, S.E. No RSVP necessary.
Thursday, February 1st, 6P: DC for Stacey hosts a reception/fundraiser for GA gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Park 14, 920 14th Street, N.W., 3rd & 4th Floors. RSVP to:
Thursday, February 1st, 6:30P: DC Attorney General Karl A. Racine and the Washington Bar Association present a panel discussion, The State of Policing in Black America. Old Council Chambers, One Judiciary Square. 441 4th Street, N.W. Click here for more information.
Friday, February 2nd, 9A: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights holds a public hearing, “An Assessment of Minority Voting Rights Access in the United States.” Marriott Crabtree Raleigh Durham, 4500 Marriott Drive, Raleigh, NC. The event will be livestreamedClick here for more information.
Tuesday, February 6th, 8A: The Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council’s 2018 Broadband and Social Justice Summit. Westin Georgetown Hotel, 2350 M Street, N.W. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, February 7th, 9:30A: The Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Awards. Dirksen SOB, Room 215. Click here to RSVP.
Wednesday, February 7th, 6P: District Democrats holds its launch event at Dirty Martini, 1223 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Thursday, February 8th - Friday, February 9th: The Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Project Economic Summit. Sheraton Hotel, 811 7th Ave – 3rd Floor, NYC. Click here to register.
Monday, February 12th, 9:30A: The 2018 State of Indian Nations Address, delivered by Jefferson Keel, President of the National Congress of American Indians. A free ticketed event with limited seating. Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Click here for more information.
Monday, February 12th, 7:30P: Pop Up Magazine - A Night of Live Stories, Winter Issue. A night of stories about the fascinating world around us. With photography, film, radio, and original music all mixed together and performed live onstage by a big cast of talented people. Warner Theatre, 513 13th Street, N.W. Click here to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, February 13th - Thursday, February 15: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 Conference and Awards Gala. Marriott Marquis, 901 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets
Tuesday, February 13th, 6P: The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation hosts the 9th Annual Avoice Heritage Celebration, "Black Veterans on the Front Lines of History." Naval Heritage Center/United States Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, February 13th, 7P: The Women’s Fund of Central Indiana hosts “A Moderated Conversation with Former First Lady Michelle Obama." Bankers Life Fieldhouse, 125 South Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis. Tickets go on sale Friday, January 12th at 10A. Click here for more information and click here to purchase tickets.
Thursday, February 15th, 6P: A reception honoring Alejandra Castillo, the new CEO of the YWCA. Crowell & Mooring, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 9th Floor. RSVP to:
Tuesday, February 20th, 6P: Google hosts a Women of Color event honoring Women of Color on Capitol Hill. Invite only. 
Wednesday, February 21st, 11A: Dialogue on Diversity tenth-annual colloquium exploring the past, present, and future of the internet: “INTERNET, DATA, & PRIVACY COLLOQUIUM LAW AND TECHNOLOGY: PATHS TOWARD A HUMANE SOCIETY.” The Raben Group, 1341 G Street. N.W., 5th Floor. Click here to register.
Wednesday, February 21st, 12P: The Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program and the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program sponsor “Drivers of Opportunity: How Will Latinos Shape the Future of the American Dream.” The Aspen Institute, 2300 N Street N.W., #700. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, February 21st - Friday, February 23rd: The NFL, along with Morehouse College and the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE), hosts a program in Atlanta to educate athletes on how to develop and implement effective advocacy platforms that positively impact society. Click here for more information
Thursday, February 22nd: The Power Rising: Building an Agenda for Black Women summit. Atlanta. Click here for more information and to register
Thursday, February 22nd - Wednesday, February 28th: The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators 15th National Summit. Chicago. Click here for more information and to register.
Saturday, February 24th: The Association for the Study of African American Life and History hosts the 92nd Annual Black History Month Luncheon. Washington Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th Street, N.W. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, March 7th - Saturday, March 10th: The 2018 Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit. Orlando, FL. Click here for more information and to register.
Friday, March 9th - Saturday, March 10th: The Progressive Caucus Center hosts the 2018 Strategy Summit. Baltimore, MD. Click here to register.
Saturday, March 10th, 9A: Latina Circle’s conference, Amplify: Moving from Intention to Acción. Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Click here for more information and to register.
Tuesday, March 13th, 7P: The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials presents Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) with the 2018 Edward R. Roybal Award for Outstanding Public Service during the organization’s annual Edward R. Roybal Legacy Gala in DC. JW Marriott, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Wednesday, March 14th, 9A: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute sponsors the CHCI Energy Summit: A World in Transition. Newseum, 5 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Click here for more information
Wednesday, March 14th - Sunday, March 18th: The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation 7th Annual Black Women’s Roundtable Women of Power National Summit: Time for A Power Shift!!! Crystal City Marriott, 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Friday, April 6th - Saturday, April 7th: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Women’s Conference. San Francisco. Click here for more information and to register.
Thursday, April 12th - Sunday, April 15th: The inaugural Black Millennial Political Convention. The gathering aims to increase engagement of Black Millennials in the political sphere and shed a light on policy issues impacting the Black community. Hyatt Regency Hotel. 
Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Wednesday, April 18th, 6P: The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) 2018 Gala and Awards. Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. To purchase tickets, contact Heaven Ocampo: or 213.629.2512 ext. 143. 
Wednesday, April 18th - Saturday, April 21st: The National Action Network hosts its annual conference, this year commemorating the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Sheraton Times Square, NYC. Click here for more information
Thursday, April 19th: The University of North Dakota sponsors a conference on the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Standing Rock protests. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, April 24th - Thursday, April 26th: The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Conference. The Willard Intercontinental Hotel, DC. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, April 25th - Friday, April 27th: The African American Mayor Association 2018 Annual Conference. DoubleTree Hotel, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA. Click here to purchase tickets
Wednesday, June 6th - Saturday, June 9th: The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit. Charlotte, NC. More than 1,000 CEOs, investors, and business experts are expected to attend.Click here for more information and to register
Saturday, July 7th - Tuesday, July 10th: The 2018 UnidosUS annual conference, DC. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, August 1st - Saturday, August 4th: The National Urban League 2018 Annual Conference “Save Our Cities: Powering the Digital Revolution.” Columbus, OH. Click here for more information and to register.
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