Back to Learning!
Back to Learning!
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Back to school!

This week, on Wednesday, August 3, our Pre-K class will begin at our Windy's Preschool.  Our staff are back in their classrooms after a week of teacher in-service training both at Windy's and at our W.W. Law Learning Center and are ready to welcome your child!
We are excited to welcome your children not only to our Pre-K program but also to our early learning and childcare programs for children ages 6 months to 5 years of age.  Reminder that we accept CAPS and we provide two full, nutritious meals and a snack to ensure that your children are nourished and ready to learn!  We have some openings available: please call us at (912) 234-3431 to inquire.

Once your child is enrolled, here are some tips to get your child ready for Pre-K or for childcare:

The Night Before Preschool:

Answer any last-minute questions from your child.

Let your child choose (weather- and school-appropriate) clothes for her first day.

Make sure that your child goes to bed on time.

Pick a bedtime that gives your child a good night’s rest before the first day. Keep the bedtime routine soothing and relaxing. Don’t focus too much (or at all!) on the first day of school unless he/she wants to.

The First Day:

Wake up early enough so that you and your child don’t have to rush to get to preschool.

Make breakfast for your child and, if possible, sit down to eat together—or at least talk with her as he/she eats and you get ready.

Review the day’s routine (what preschool will be like, how your child will get to school/come home).

Pack your child’s backpack together. Having some familiarity on his first day is helpful as he/she adjusts to so many changes.

Let your child choose a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to bring to school with her. These special items can help children make the transition from home to school, and can also make naptime easier, too. 
Thanks to for the tips above! 

We rocked it!

We (and YOU) Rocked It!

A huge thank you to our friends at The Front Porch for organizing the "Rock the Block"  school supply give-away this past Saturday at the W.W. Law Community Center. We were happy to be a part of this amazing event!  Estimates indicate that there were over 800 attendees!  Thank you to all of our friends who participated. 
Click for link to Greenbriar!

Wishing everyone a great start to a new school year filled with learning!  

Please Help a Child Today
3709 Hopkins Street Savannah, GA 31405

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