COVID-19: Need-to-Know News from
the USA
Please join us virtually on Friday, May 15 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET for a discussion on how COVID-19 is shaking up U.S. politics.
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The Race to Define the Presidential Race
Why Share It: The Cook Political Report is one of the most trusted sources for U.S. election analysis and insight. Amy Walter provides a good snapshot on where the polling numbers are right now for President Trump and Vice President Biden and what they could mean come November. “Trump’s vote share in head to head match-ups with Biden is anywhere from three to eight points lower than his job approval rating. In other words, Trump has room to grow his showing against Biden by winning over voters who already think he’s doing a decent job as president.”
Doug Sosnik: Dem momentum in congressional races
Why Share It: Doug Sosnik, a former White House Political Director to President Bill Clinton, is highly regarded by both Republicans and Democrats for his insights and analysis. “The big picture: Since President Trump's election, Republicans have lost 42 House seats (and control of the House), 10 governorships, and well over 450 state legislative seats. Democrats have taken full control of government in 10 states. Since Trump was last on the ballot, the realignment of the parties has made it very difficult for Republicans to do well in swing and suburban areas. Read the full memo by Doug Sosnik. See the full deck. See Doug's top lines on the presidential race.”
Trump’s New Coronavirus Message: Time to Move On to the Economic Recovery The New York Times Why Share It: Peter Baker’s article about recent announcements by President Trump — ‘the coronavirus task force is winding down … no it’s not’ — is a good analysis of where the U.S. President may be heading in terms of his handling of the pandemic. “The president has made little effort to reconcile his increasing pressure to reopen with the increasing death toll, instead boasting that the government is now in better shape to deal with new cases with more ventilators, masks and other equipment.”
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