August is International Women in Translation month! Celebrate women's voices from around the globe with this inspiring collection of books translated into English.
Stone Bridge Press | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Japan
9781737625384 | Paperback
$20.00 USD
World x JP Rights
World Editions | CBSD
Fiction / Caribbean & West Indies
9781642860733 | Paperback
$16.99 USD | $22.99 CAD
World x UK Rights
Academic Studies Press | IA
Fiction / World Literature / Poland
9781951508319 | Paperback
$19.95 USD | $25.99 CAD
World Rights
White Pine Press | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Chile
9781945680564 | Paperback
$18.00 USD
World Rights
Feminist Press | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Southeast Asia
9781952177699 | Paperback
$17.95 USD | $23.99 CAD
World Rights
Stone Bridge Press | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Japan
| Paperback
$18.95 USD | $24.99 CAD
 World Rights
World Editions | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Middle East
9781642861013 | Paperback
$16.99 USD | $22.99 CAD
World x UK Rights
World Editions | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Netherlands
9781642861259 | Paperback
$17.99 USD | $23.99 CAD
World x UK Rights
Stone Bridge Press | CBSD
Fiction / World Literature / Japan
9781737625308 | Paperback
$18.95 USD | $24.99 CAD
World Rights
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