Summer internship in the US? Apply for CPT today!
Summer internship in the US? Apply for CPT today!

CPT Request Form is Open!

Are you planning to use Curricular Practical Training (CPT) to work in the U.S. this summer?  The CPT application request form is now open!

To learn more about applying for CPT:

Remember, in order to be eligible for CPT, you must:
  • Have been in full-time student status in the US for at least one academic year and be in good academic standing at Amherst College
  • Have declared your major
  • Be pre-registered for Learning by Doing: Internship and Fieldwork Reflection (COLQ-390H) for the fall semester immediately following the summer employment/internship
  • Be studying on-campus in the fall semesterimmediately following the summer employment/internship in order to participate in and complete COLQ-390H
  • Have received a summer employment/internship offer that directly relates to your declared major, have obtained a CPT Verification Letter from the employer, and have the employment/internship offer approved by the professor teaching COLQ-390H

We're here to help.  Don't hesitate to reach out!
CPT Info Sessions
Spring 2022 CPT Reminders
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