The Nashville Voter
 Volume 77, No 1-- January 2024
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Friday, February 2 at 12:00PM on Zoom.League of Women Voters of Nashville - February Hot Topic: Where's It Going to Go: Nashville's Commercial Construction and Demolition Waste. featuring Metro Council At-Large member, Burkley Allen, who will share information about the impacts and potential solutions for this community issue. Click here to register.
Wednesday, February 21 at 1:00PM in person. League of Women Voters Williamson Program featuring Alma McLemore, Executive Director of the African American Historical Foundation in Franklin, TN. Click here to register.

Metro Nashville Council Meetings
President's Message
It’s that time of year where we look ahead to the upcoming year and think about what we would like to accomplish. At the last board meeting, we spent some time talking about what we would like to accomplish this year and the steps we should take to make those goals happen. The Voter Services chairs are working with a group of board members on different ways to engage younger voters. The board agreed that we would also like to work on planning more in person events that give us a chance to explore and learn about Nashville.

The state advocacy committee is gearing up, and many board members are also serving on that committee with the LWVTN.  Click here to see the legislative priorities for 2024. 

It’s going to be a busy year! I am always so impressed by the commitment the members of the LWVN make to serving the community and being involved. Thank you for all you do!
~Lara Webb 
February Hot Topic: Where's It Going to Go: Nashville's Commercial Construction and Demolition Waste
By Karen Wieckert and Melissa Hanson
Did you know that construction and demolition (C&D) waste makes up approximately 33% of all landfilled waste in Nashville?  This waste is significantly reducing the landfill capacity in the region. Preventing bulky, energy-intensive, and highly recyclable C&D material from being landfilled is crucial for the continued resilience, economic growth, and prosperity of this region. 
Join us at noon and learn more from Metro Council At-Large member, Burkley Allen, who will share information about the impacts and potential solutions for this community issue.
Register here.

Environment Committee
By Russanne Buchi-Fotre and Jack McFadden
COMPOSTING in Nashville
1,594,604 lbs. of food waste and compostables have been redirected
16 yards of compost donated to local farms and gardens
1,514 tons of CO2 have been prevented from entering the atmosphere.

Nashville is doing some good things redirecting construction demolition and keeping those materials out of our landfills. Hope you’ll join in with your own backyard composting!  If not directly, Compost Nashville is available for hire, for pick-ups.

We all need to do our part.
Health Care/Public Health 
By Constance Caldwell and Clare Sullivan
The LWV Public Health Committee welcomed a new member,  Merilyn Charlton, FNP who is deeply concerned about the lack of access to care for low-income adults in our state. We are excited to have her.  At our most recent meeting we confirmed our intent to support the LWVTN Legislative Agenda, which includes:

   - Removing threat of prosecution for medical professional providing quality of care for 
      pregnant patients
   - Supporting exceptions in abortion laws for rape, incest, child sexual abuse, severe fetal
      abnormalities, and mental health of the mother
    - Supporting adequate funding for safety net services and expansion of TennCare
    - Supporting common sense gun safety laws.

We will also continue to monitor the proceedings of our respective county health boards and councils, and pending decisions on Metro General Hospital.

New members are always welcome. Please contact Constance Caldwell ( or Clare Sullivan ( if you would like more information about joining the committee.
Education Committee
By Patricia Brock and Harper-Grace Niedermeyer
We are brainstorming ways to use existing high school Civics/Government classes to grow interest in the importance of voting in the democratic voting process.
If you have any ideas to share or would like to join the Education Committee, please reach out to us at
Voter Services Committee
By Kathryn Anderson and Kalen Russell
The Voter Services Committee is planning the spring semester’s events at high schools and colleges in Davidson County. We are trying to coordinate with our contacts at several schools, and we expect to schedule presentations and registration events later in the semester. We are also working with LINKS to develop events at local colleges. A primary effort this month is to organize a focus group of students from a few high schools to talk with us and representatives from LINKS about student interests and communication. We hope that this discussion will produce a model to help us more effectively motivate students to vote. We do not have any events scheduled at this time.
Communications Committee
By Ophelia Doe
We're inviting high school students to participate in our Civic Engagement Survey and Focus Group. This is all about encouraging voter registration and active involvement in our democracy. But before we dive in, we want to hear directly from high school students to understand what motivates them to get involved. 
If you are interested in joining the Communications Committee, contact Ophelia (
Metro Council
By Pat McCauley and Karen Hernan
Some early voting locations have changed.  See schedule to note how these changes might affect you.
By Reba Holmes
Member Count
Thank you to everyone who renewed their Membership. Thank you for supporting our nonpartisan, grassroots organization that works towards protecting and expanding voting rights to ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We collectively empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation at the local, state, and national levels. 

We appreciate your sponsorship of the League’s activities, programs, and underwriting.
As of January 2024, we are a group of 195 strong.

Williamson County Update
By Bette Holmes and Linda Sherman
The League of Women Voters of Williamson County’s February 21 program will be presented by Alma McLemore, President of the Board and Executive Director of Franklin’s African American Heritage Foundation. The AAHF has achieved many successes, including the purchase of two properties where ongoing educational and interpretive events are planned for current Natchez residents and for Black History. Ms. McLemore has served in numerous community and public service organizations and was a part of history herself, as a graduate of Franklin High School’s first integrated class.
Please join us by registering at the John P. Holt Brentwood Library’s calendar page for February 21st program held from 1-2 p.m.

If you want more information about Alma McLemore or the Franklin African American Heritage Foundation please let me know.  Registering on the calendar page will suffice because it will direct attendees how to sign up.
Stay Informed about Upcoming Calendar Events!
If you get the electronic version of the Voter, we want you to know that the upcoming calendar events are available on our wonderful, new website –  On The calendar scrolls on the events of the current and upcoming events thanks to Tracy Depp, who keeps the calendar current.  If you haven’t taken a look, do so to make sure you mark your calendar so you won’t miss a thing!
ATTENTION: The Nashville Voter is a digital publication. If you have received this copy of the Voter in the mail, it means the League of Women Voters of Nashville does not have an e-mail address for you. Please help us by sending your e-mail address to Being on the LWVN e-mail database ensures your receipt of all LWVN newsletters, event invitations, meeting announcements, and Call to Action alerts. 
ATTENTION: Please show your support by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Let us know what you think and send us feedback!  
2023-2024 LWVN Board of Directors
Co-Presidents: Lara Webb
Immediate Past President: Madeline Garr
1st Vice Presidents: Melissa Hanson and Karen Weickert
Secretary: Elise Lamar
Treasurer Susan Mattson

Portfolio Chairs
Communications: Ophelia Doe
Community Connections: Sabina Mohyuddin
Education: Harper-Grace Niedermeyer and Patricia Brock
Environment: Russanne Buchi-Fotre and Jack McFadden
Health Care/Public Health:  Constance Caldwell and Clare Sullivan 
Membership: Reba Holmes 
Metro Government:  Pat McCauley and Karen Hernan
Voter Services: Kathryn Anderson and Kalen Russell
Williamson County Representative:  June Bond
Nominating Committee Chair: Senator Brenda Gilmore

Nominating Committee Members: Betsy Walkup, Constance Caldwell, Hasina Mohyuddin, June Bond, and Brenda Wynn

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