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  July 2018

Woman with dog and bicycle enjoys her phased retirement

Is Phased Retirement For You?
Ease out of your career just as you eased into it — by designing your own phased retirement. When you're not ready to retire full time, partial retirement lets you transition slowly into the next stage of your working life. There are no rules for a phased retirement. It's up to you to think through the details, including Social Security benefits and Medicare.
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SAM's Lesson of the Month: Credit Rights and Responsibilities
You have rights as a consumer when you open a credit card account, but you also have responsibilities.
Do you know what you're agreeing to when you sign a credit agreement? 
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Colorful binders on a white shelf

Artículos en español
Did you know SAM offers a selection of our articles in Spanish?
Una selección de nuestros artículos que están disponibles en español. 
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