Community Update: Economics Gets Boost in Haiti
September 27, 2017
After the Department of Education in Haiti mandated an expansion of economics to a new 4-year curriculum, Louverture Cleary School faculty and students made adjustments to an already thriving economics program.  LCS alum and economics teacher, Djim Guerrier (LCS '14) reports that this mandate is a step in the right direction for Haiti:  "Besides readying students for university, four years of economics will help students become more active and conscious citizens."
LCS has had a solid economics curriculum for years, using the first-year college textbook by Harvard economist N. Gregory Mankiw, which he generously donated to our program.  This mandated expansion creates exciting opportunities for LCS.  THP In-Country Program Manager and Liaison to Partner Foundations Connor Branham, who was Volunteer Economics teacher during the '14-'15 school year, is pleased with this Haitian initiative for many reasons:  "Younger students definitely look forward to learning economics because they see it as an important subject that could help Haiti." Branham believes the extra time built into the program will allow students to build up a solid foundation earlier, providing the opportunity for more advanced discussion later.
LCS Rheto (US 12th grade) student Bervens Noel says:  “I have enjoyed the first two years of economics so much that I read economics books at home and in my free time.” He also has ideas about what Haiti can do to improve its economic situation.  According to Noel, "Haiti needs to increase their production because people currently buy all their goods imported. Building new companies that produce in Haiti would increase employment for Haitians." 
The Haitian Project has always seen improving Haiti’s economy as a primary focus to helping Haiti.  THP President Deacon Patrick Moynihan states,  "In very real terms, only economic growth can provide the resources for improving the quality of life for a population. Poverty is best defined as an economy that is insufficient in size for the number of people in it. Expansion requires education and opportunity."
Next StepsWith a solid economics program, THP is now working on adding accounting and finance to the curriculum.  According to Deacon Moynihan, "Economics is only one part.  Accounting and finance are the practical tools necessary to turn economic theory into businesses and growth."
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Our Mission
The Haitian Project through Louverture Cleary School, a free, Catholic, co-educational boarding school in Haiti, provides for the education of academically talented and motivated students from Haitian families who cannot afford the cost of their children’s education in order to maximize their potential and enable them to work toward building a Haiti where justice and peace thrive.
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