*For the latest COVID-19 resources and links go to our resource page*

Weekly Update and Important Resources!

Week of August 24

Hello CHN family! We wanted to make you aware of a few resources that were sent our way this week as well as commemorate the life of one of our CHN family members, Sue Bell. Please continue to reach out and stay connected with us. Let us know of ways we can best support you! Have a great week. 

Celebration of Life: Sue Bell at Lake County Free Clinic

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our CHN family member, Sue Bell. Sue was an active service member in her community and worked hard as a Registered Nurse, instructor and volunteer at Lake County Free Clinic. She was our Volunteer Nurse of the Year in 2017, and we can never thank her enough for her lifetime of service. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and the Lake County Free Clinic during this time of mourning.  

*FREE* Albuterol Sulfate

Ken Quick from The Community Health Clinic has reached out to us saying he has 13 packages of 25 count albuterol sulfate inhalation 2.5mg/3mL. The packages expire in October 2020, and one 60 count box of the same medication expires in November 2020. 
If you are interested, please contact Ken Quick directly at his cell phone (740)-877-0364. 

Help the Hands On Sports Foundation be able to fund another Medical Supply Pick-Up Day! 

After such a successful Supply Pick-Up Day, Otto from Hands On Sports is asking for our help! Show your support for Hands On Sports Foundation by supporting the 15th Annual Otto Orf Charity Golf Classic. 
Your support can take the form of:
-Sponsoring a hole at the golf outting
-Donate items or dollars to the charity
-Participate as a golfer
*The Golf Outting will take place Friday August 28th at 10:30am located at the Boulder Creek Gold Club.
For more information on the event, email info@handsonsportsfoundation.org 
Printable Sponsorship Form
Printable Registration Form

Charitable Healthcare and COVID-19:

Bi-Weekly Discussion Group

The Charitable Healthcare Network is hosting a bi-weekly virtual discussion group for Ohio's charitable healthcare organizations. Here we will check-in with one another as well as share resources and strategies on our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Download the minutes/ recording from this week's meeting below or register to join live!
September 9, 2020 at 11 am
On September 9th, staff from the Alzheimer's Association of Central Ohio will present on risk factors and early signs of Alzheimer's, as well as the medical and social factors that put patients at risk for developing dementia. The Alzheimer's Association offers free trainings, educational seminars, and support groups for patients with Alzheimer's as well as their caregivers and healthcare providers. This presentation will also include an overview of the free support and educational opportunities available across the state.
Download, view, or watch meeting recordings and minutes here
Register for the COVID-19 Discussion Group

Other Educational Resources:

Registration is now Open for September 18th & 24th Virtual AMSR Training Opportunities
AMSR is a 1-day training designed for all behavioral health professionals working with youth (10-24) to learn how to recognize, assess, and treat suicidality in patients. Professionals will gain a  deeper understanding of suicide ideation and its treatment. 6.5 CEUs are provided to eligible professions. 

AMSR training will focus on how to:

       -Approach work with suicidal patients
       -Understand suicide
       -Get important information from patients regarding suicide
       -Form accurate judgement on client well-being
       -Safely plan and respond to suicide related-behaviors.
Register for September 18th
Register for September 24th
Register for the Blinded by Bias: Rooting Out Bias in Your Organization Webinar, Tuesday September 1, 2020 10am-11am
Does your organization have blind spots of bias? In our current climate, we are faced with the need to address our own individual biases, but this contemplation also begs the question: “How does this play out in my organization?” This Nonprofit Forum will provide a brief overview of implicit bias, discuss how biases can disrupt the hiring process, and explore how to identify and rectify bias that may exist within your organization’s processes. Thank you to the Columbus Foundation for putting on this Zoom Webinar!

Workshop objectives:
       -Deliver a baseline understanding of implicit bias
       -Discuss how biases can disrupt the hiring process
       -Discern how an organization may have systemic biases in daily operations
Register Now
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