Happy holiday weekend to all those in the states and for all of our international friends, please send more hot dogs! As a kid growing up in suburban Atlanta in the ‘80s, July 4 only meant one thing: the Stone Mountain Laser Show. After a day of hauling my chubby childhood cheeks up 1,600 feet of quartz monzonite, I’d crash on a worn-out blanket with a bellyful of bad picnic food to watch a cheesy laser light show cast onto the face of the mountain. After all of the patriotic prerequisites, the grand finale featured the carved-in depictions of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis “coming to life” as Elvis warbled “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” (Did I mention I grew up in the south?) Whatever YOUR plans are for this weekend – mine involve indulging my wife’s love of fireworks with a downtown bacchanalia – music is sure to play some part. If you’re like me, your playlist for this weekend certainly needs a little more oomph than just the standard “God Bless the USA” and “Living in America” hoopla, so here are a handful of heartily recommended tunes to help get you through the weekend.–WILL HODGE, NoiseTrade Music Editor