Weekly Member Memo
August 17, 2021 

Wine & Food Affair...more of a "crush" this year

Sign-ups are happening now... Aug. 9-18
PLEASE READ THE INFO WE HAVE ONLINE on our website : This is the information 
When you sign-up you will need to list the food/recipe you will be serving. This is all being done via Eventbrite.   This is the link        QUESTIONS Debbie@wineroad.com
Initially we planned to have all reservations be "on the hour or half-hour" but this just did not pencil out, and give people enough time to drive from winery to winery.
New plan -
The customer may visit up to 5 wineries in a day - reservation times are 11:00, 12:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00.  We will advertise event from 11-5 with the last reservation at 4:00.
The actual time a guest has at your winery is 50 minutes. This gives them 25 minutes to drive, park, use the restroom and be seated for their next tasting. Obviously if they are going "next door" they could spend a bit more time with you.
The ticket price is $75 per day and $20 per day for Designated Drivers (no wine).
Ticket sales will END Oct. 26th, 10 days prior to the event, so you will know how many people you need to prepare food for.  It may sell out sooner, based on the seats available.
We will post the detailed program online Sept. 1 and begin selling tickets Sept. 9th, giving guests one week to review the program prior to buying tickets and booking reservations.
There is no food reimbursement, as we are working on a budget of selling 500 tickets at $75 each - generating $37,500,  not enough to reimburse for food costs. In prior years this event easily sold 3500 tickets.
if you are interested in hosting some type of winemaker dinner, or an evening wine reception on Friday night, Wine Road will promote it for you. Each winery will sell their own tickets and manage that event, but we will have details and links on our website and on our ticket page. The link will go directly to the wineries involved. Wine Road is going to charge $50 for you to be listed. We will also share a weekly post on social media to help you sell your tickets.
if you plan to offer a dinner, reception, evening tasting - we will add it to our website, just send us all of the details: date, time, location, price, brief description and LINK to purchase tickets.  We will then invoice you for the $50.
We hope several wineries take advantage of this, as it would make the whole weekend just that much more inviting...fly in for the event weekend and kick things off Friday night. 
There is no doubt things will continue to be revised and revisited between now and November.

Roll out the Barrels...

The town of Geyserville is once again in need of barrels to paint for their "Fall Festivities". 

If you have used barrels to donate... please contact Bryce Jones at 707-332-2516 (not Wine Road)
They need 60 total, so every little barrel will help!  Bryce will pick them up.
February 25-26
Early bird pricing is $375. Wine Road will reimburse $100 when the event happens.  This pricing ends Aug. 30.
For details download the registration here
We hope to have 20 wineries head down, so we can set up banners for "Destination Wine Road" and really showcase our AVAs. We  hope to also offer a seminar for trade on Friday morning - details pending.
So far 7 wineries have signed up that I am aware of, we hope to have 20 of you on board. This is a great audience.

Thank you to our partners for their financial support.

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