Dear Student,
We are inviting you to participate in a short survey regarding reasons students want or need to leave college—and what keeps those students here or brings them back.
Sharing your perspective or story is powerful. The purpose of this study is to help faculty and staff learn more about the students they serve and what they can do to keep students progressing through college—and to help other students to continue on in their coursework or come back to the university after they have left.
The survey is entirely anonymous so that you may feel free to share your thoughts. Survey responses will be shared with the educational community at Sacramento State to spread awareness about why students may be thinking about leaving, stopping out (leaving college temporarily) or dropping out (not planning on returning to the campus). The survey responses may also be used at a later date to bring greater light to this issue.
Your participation is completely voluntary. Students are welcome to share their thoughts, but are never required to do so.