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August 2013
Jim K
The indoor cycling community and fitness industry lost a great man earlier this week with the passing of Jim Karanas. Jim was an integral part of the growth of Kranking® and the establishment of Team ICG® in North America. He reached people all over the globe with his passion for instruction and mentorship in the indoor cycling community. We had the pleasure of working with Jim for several years, and it was clear that he had an innate ability for instruction. Jim could connect and motivate in a way that left thousands of instructors and students feeling they had not only gotten a great workout – even to the point of exhaustion – but also garnered some wisdom, compassion and drive in the process.
May we carry this drive and compassion to help his legacy live on.
Customer Feedback
Capturing customer feedback has become an increasingly popular topic with businesses across all industries. Customer feedback has actually evolved into analytic measurement methods such as the “Net Promoter Score” that identifies the elements necessary for a successful customer-focused program. NPS provides a best practice framework for how companies collect, evaluate and act on customer feedback to optimize financial benefits.
Matrix began our own internal Net Promoter Score measurement within our Customer Tech Support department last year. We knew that this is where ‘the rubber meets the road’ – how we are perceived post-sale is just as important, if not more, than our pre-sales approach when it comes to the relationships with our customers. I’m pleased to say that we are scoring quite favorably and have uncovered ways to improve our support since instituting the NPS measurement.
As evidence of our continued improvement, Matrix was recently awarded the 2013 Gold’s Gym’s Equipment Vendor of the Year, the third such honor in the past five years (previously awarded in 2009 & 2012). All Gold’s Gym franchisees voted for the award – ranking vendors in areas like customer satisfaction, likelihood of referral and overall product quality. We appreciate and feel honored by this recognition, predominantly due to the knowledge that the award is decided by Gold’s Gym franchisees themselves. It is a validation of the fact that we take customer satisfaction seriously at Matrix.
We’d like to hear from you – Let us know what you think. Your opinion is very important to us as we strive to continuously improve and ensure that all of our customers become promoters.
In Health,
Greetings from Johnny G
I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy. I just had to share my thoughts on two very successful fitness conferences during the month of August.
IDEA | The IDEA World Fitness Convention was full of excitement. The Krankcycle® booth was absolutely electric! I made a point of participating in some of the workshops and had the opportunity to do what I love to do – interact with the session participants and fitness professionals from all over the world.
We received such great comments, ranging from “I can’t believe how versatile the Krankcycle is," and "It’s a great personal training tool, I wish my gym had them,” to “I had the best upper-body workout of my life. Not only did I work my heart, I worked muscles I never knew I had.”
canfitpro | The delegates of canfitpro echoed the excitement shared by their North American neighbors.  Many of those who have a Krankcycle or two on their fitness floor were excited to learn about the various programming options available with one versatile piece of equipment!
The independent crank arms are delivering a fun, safe, results-filled experience. If people get fitter and healthier tomorrow than they are today – they are on track.
Keep Kranking®,
Johnny G.
Krank Boot Camp in session at IDEA World 2013 in Los Angeles, CA
Krank session at canfitpro 2013 in Toronto, Ontario
World Gym Taiwan Awards Matrix as Vendor of the Year
Earlier this year, Johnson Health Tech (Parent company of Matrix Fitness) was awarded Vendor of the Year by World Gym Taiwan. Preceding photo shows Daniel Clayton, Vice President of Global Development at JHT, being presented the VOY award by Michael Sancipri (CEO) and John Caraccio (FD).
World Gym Taiwan is the fastest-growing Health Club chain in SE Asia with 24 clubs and five more due to open this year.
Mark Your Calendar
SIBEC | Sep 26-29
Snap Fitness | Oct 1-3
ISPA | Oct 21-23
Club Industry | Oct 23-25
BITAC West | Oct 27-29
IHG | Oct 28-30
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