Check out The Sycamore Institute's County Health Profiles. The profiles examine health outcomes and the drivers of population health in all 95 counties in Tennessee and allow for comparison with other Tennessee counties, the state as a whole, and the United States.
Additionally, the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association is hosting a workshop about the data in the latest census on October 24th.
Q1 2019 Preliminary Applications are due December 4, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
Q1 2019 Full Proposals and Operating Grant applications are due January 9, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
The name of the Advocacy Capacity-Building Grant has been changed to Advocacy Planning Grant to more accurately reflect the purpose of these grants. Information about the Multi-Year Advocacy Grant is now located on a separate page.
Congratulations to the 14 nonprofits that were collectively awarded over $500,000 in our most recent cycle! This quarter’s funding included two Sabbatical Grants for organizations whose Executive Directors have collectively served the nonprofit community for over 34 years. Find out who they are and hear from Sabbatical Grant veteran Amy Alexander about her sabbatical experience.