Monthly E-Newsletter
February 18, 2014
Hanan M. Isaacs, P.C.
Dear Friends,

We hope that you are not buried in snow, or if you are, that some kinds souls are bringing you food and air and something warm to hold.  Seriously, we understand that spring is right around the corner.  From our viewpoint, it cannot happen too soon!

We want to know why the snows on the east coast are so abundant and perfect, yet the Russian Olympics had such a hard time maintaining the cold.  Winter Olympics, New Jersey, 2022? Hey, we put on a great Super Bowl (okay, it was boring, but the weather cooperated).   

Below, please see two of our most popular blog posts this month, one in the area of family law and the other in the area of employment law, for your information and review.

With highest regards,

Hanan M. Isaacs, P.C.
Can you wind up in jail for refusing to pay child support?
Many people heard last month that Will Hill of the Giants was arrested in New Jersey for nonpayment of child support. The safety's arrest garnered national media attention, and this may have left many people wondering whether they too could be arrested for falling behind on child support obligations. Continue reading
Will U.S. create a paid family and medical leave fund for all?
Under the Family Leave Act ("FLA"), New Jersey residents have the right to take unpaid leaves from employment in the event of an illness, adoption, or childbirth, or to care for a seriously ill family member. The federal Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") also provides job protection during leaves. Continue reading
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