Dear Student,
You are receiving this email because you are still wait-listed for one or more courses this semester. All waitlists will be purged on January 22, which is also the last day to add a course for the spring 2025 semester. You will not be able to self-enroll in classes after this date, and once the waitlist is purged, you will be removed from the class rosters and from Canvas.
We understand you are still hoping to get into the course(s) for which you are waitlisted. We want to be sure you are being proactive in both determining whether or not you are able to move off a waitlist into a class AND have a back-up plan in case that does not happen. We encourage you to explore alternative classes and plans prior to the last day of the add period (January 22) so you don't fall behind on the course material. Please review your options with your undergraduate advising team or your graduate advisor. If you choose to add a course, it is recommended to converse with the instructor if the course has already met to confirm you are able to catch up accordingly.
Please remember that having access to a class Canvas page is not the same as being enrolled. Waitlisted students have access to Canvas, but if you do not see your enrollment in SIS, you are not yet enrolled in the class. After waitlists are purged, any student not officially enrolled in the class in SIS will lose access to Canvas.
Please see below for follow-up questions you may have: