Details on Victoria's new book, tips on fireworks phobia, & more...
Details on Victoria's new book, tips on fireworks phobia, & more...
June 2016
Hello, Fellow Dog Lovers!
The dog days of summer are officially here! I've recently returned back to the States after an amazing couple of weeks in the UK. While there, I had the opportunity to protest the Yulin Dog Meat Festival with Star Wars' Carrie Fisher, and was also joined by some incredible speakers at the third annual UK Dog Bite Prevention & Behaviour Conference! But best of all, I was able to spend some much-needed down time with family and friends. I hope that June finds you well, too. 
In this edition of the Positively Newsletter, you'll find dog bite prevention tips, ideas for keeping the 4th of July stress-free for your pets, and more.  
As always, throughout this newsletter you'll find exclusive content and training tips that you won't find anywhere else. Hope you enjoy!
Victoria Stilwell Signature
P.S. Don't forget to check out my blog for more articles from me! 
Dan & Diggy
Victoria follows a landmark BSL case in Detroit, MI.
When Dan Tillery posted this happy photo of himself with Diggy, his newly adopted dog, he never could have imagined the backlash that would come his way. Officials in his hometown of Waterford Township determined that Diggy is a pit bull, and therefore violates their "dangerous dogs" ban and needs to be removed from his home. 
Fortunately, Dan and Detroit Dog Rescue are fighting to keep Diggy in his rightful home. They have extensive evidence to show that he is in fact an American Bulldog, not a "pit bull." But the greater tragedy here is that no dog should be judged based on appearance alone. BSL is ineffective and the research has shown that it doesn't reduce dog bites in the areas where it is enacted. If you want to help Diggy, you can click the link below to sign a petition to end Michigan's breed-specific legislation. 
Sign the Petition
Giving back is a huge part of being a dog trainer. Victoria got much of her start early in her career by volunteering at local animal shelters, and she continues to devote much of her time and energy to helping support those on the front lines of animal welfare. We also integrate the importance of working with rescue shelters into the fabric of Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training & Behaviour's Dog Trainer Course.
That’s why we’re excited to announce a brand-new opportunity for those who work tirelessly for animals to join us as students in the Dog Trainer Course: The VSA Nonprofit Employee Scholarship.
How Does It Work?
Simple. The Nonprofit Employee Scholarship provides a 10% discount off the regular cost of tuition for the Dog Trainer Course. To be eligible for the Scholarship, prospective students must currently be working as a paid employee for at least 20 hours per week for at least the past three months at a Qualified Institution.
That’s it!
If you work at a qualifying animal rescue shelter, assistance dog training and placement organization, or local humane society you’re eligible to apply for the Scholarship. 
Learn More About the Scholarship
Dog Bite Prevention
Dog Bite Prevention
A quick tip from Victoria on dog bite prevention! 
A dog can be frustrated through rough play or by teasing and a child can inadvertently inflict pain by sitting on a dog, or with the pull of a tail or a poke in the eye.
You can ‪#‎preventdogbites‬ by teaching your child to enjoy time with the family pet without these types of potentially dangerous interactions.
The picture above demonstrates a lovely, positive interaction between child and dog with a mutual respect for space and boundaries!
Double Merle
Why is it dangerous to breed two merle-coated dogs? This graphic from Keller the Double Merle provides a great visual explanation of what a double merle is, the health problems that can arise in the offspring of two merle-coated dogs, and why responsible breeders will never take the chance in breeding two merles. 
If you have a double merle, or a visually or hearing impaired dog, check out Keller's Cause for some great training and support resources to help you and your dog thrive together.
Learn More about Double Merles
Reactive Dog
Reactive Dog
Positively Contributor Tom Mitchell of AbsoluteDOGS talks about dealing with a reactive dog.   
 When we come across a situation our dog doesn’t like, whether that be seeing something (e.g. a black wire-haired small dog, a person with a beard, a child, etc.), hearing something, or any other experience, there is a huge temptation to encourage interaction with that thing. It’s human nature to feel the need to DO something in that very instant - to FIX the problem.
WARNING - This is the worst thing to do! Here are four tips to turn worry into confidence:
1) Give them a break! Stress levels don’t come down instantly, in fact they can take days to return to their normal levels after an incident! Giving them at least a few days break from both positive and negative arousal/stress events is key to ensuring this does not become a frequent occurrence. 
Read more
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Kindness is Powerful, Pass it On
In Case You Missed It
Did you miss it? Victoria's post about the heartwarming story of a man and his service dog that were recently hired together by Lowe's stirred up lots of comments and shares from Victoria's audience. 
Opinions were strong from Victoria's fans all over the world. See more on her official Facebook page.
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worth sniffing out
Secret Language of Dogs
Victoria's new book is now available for pre-order on Amazon! You can order it both in paperback as well as for Kindle. 
This latest book gives you the newest information about what your dog is really thinking - and saying - through his body language and other expressions. You're also sure to love the beautiful full-color photographs from some of Victoria's favorite pet photographers! 
Whether you're looking for a light, stylish tee for summer or a comfy hoodie you can cuddle up with at night, the Victoria Stilwell Collection by Dog is Good has apparel for you!
With shirts available in both Ladies and Unisex sizes, there are a wide range of choices for everyone.  
VS Dog Academy
Abigail has devoted her life to animal behavior and cognition, and has been training dogs professionally for over 10 years. Her behavior and training work is scientifically sound animal behavior, conditioning, and training. She will never use harsh or aversive methods.
Need a dog behavior expert in the Birmingham, AL area? Get in touch with Abigail today: 
Find a Victoria Stilwell-licensed trainer near you!
Victoria Stilwell in the Media
Yulin Protest
Victoria was featured in the Daily Express, which covered the Yulin Dog Meat protest she participated in alongside Marc the Vet, Star Wars' Carrie Fisher, and other Humane Society International supporters
Positively Forum
Top Tip
The most important thing a pet parent can do for their fireworks-phobic dog is to provide them with a bolt hole - a place where the dog can escape to when the festivities begin. This might be a closest, bathroom, or a basement, the best places usually being the ones that have no windows, but with plenty of artificial light (to mask flashes of fireworks).
If the pet parent is present, they should spend time with the dog in the safe haven and should give attention to the dog if it comes to seek comfort. Far from reinforcing fearful behavior, the pet parent's comforting arm and presence can help a phobic dog cope as long as the pet parent remains calm at all times.
Dog Bite Prevention
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