Message from
Provost Daire |
UWM Taskforce on Generative AI
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Message from
Provost Daire
UWM Taskforce on Generative AI |
I’m pleased to announce that we have formed a Taskforce on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to assess how UWM can best leverage this for the success of our students and stakeholders. Senior Vice Chancellor Robin Van Harpen, Chief Innovation & Partnership Officer Brian Thompson, and I will be sponsoring this effort led by Scott Genung, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO and Dr. Purush Papatla, Co-Director, Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute.
The Taskforce Charter outlines the objectives aimed at enhancing pedagogy, research, engagement, and operations. They will work toward a set of deliverables by this summer and collaborate with governance and campus units to implement plans to sustain these efforts.
The success of this effort relies on broad engagement. The effort will be organized along five workgroups focused on Education and Curriculum, Research, Student Success, Business Operations, and Infrastructure and Data
- Education and Curriculum Workgroup – Chair - Sarah Riforgiate, Interim Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Research Workgroup – Chair - Kris O’Connor, Interim Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
- Business Operations Workgroup – Chair - Amanda Obermeyer, Director of Divisional Finance, Business & Financial Services
- Student Success Workgroup – Chair - Dave Clark, Vice Provost for Student Success
Infrastructure and Data Workgroup – Chair - Beth Schaefer, Deputy Chief Information Officer, University IT Services
We are finalizing the workgroups to include a variety of stakeholders, and we look forward to engaging a much broader group who will bring their expertise to many aspects of our work that may be impacted by AI.
Thank you for your support of this important effort.
With appreciation,
Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
| University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2310 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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