UP Parent Newsletter February 2020
UP Parent Newsletter February 2020
UP Parents
UP Parent Newsletter: February 2020
Dear Pilot Parents,
The Portland weather is still rainy and cold, but the days are ever so slowly getting a little bit longer! It’s not too early for your student to think ahead to spring break and summer vacation. Keep reading to learn about different ways to support your student as they make future plans!
Katie Seccombe
Associate Director, Parent Engagement

A Window into Pilot Life

Photo of Family Weekend 2020
This past weekend, over 900 students and family members attended First-Year & Sophomore Family Weekend here on The Bluff. The weekend included socials in the residence halls, a pregame lunch and women’s basketball game, evening entertainment, a scavenger hunt at the World Forestry Center, and celebrating Mass together. Thank you to everyone who was part of this new campus tradition! Please stay tuned for more event photos and a survey that will be sent later this week.
Save the date for the next Junior & Senior Family Weekend, November 6–8, 2020. The dates for the next First-Year & Sophomore Family Weekend will be announced soon.
Photo of Family Weekend 2020 Photo of Family Weekend 2020

Avoiding the Winter Blues

For many students, the winter months can feel like a challenge to get through. Experiencing the "winter blues," or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is very common and can affect people of all ages. Megan Cohara, the UP Wellness Education & Prevention Program Coordinator, explains several steps students can take to keep their mood and motivation steady throughout the year.

Academic Spotlight: Shiley School of Engineering

From their first year to their last year, students in the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering undergo targeted and specific experiences to prepare them for their professional futures. Kate Rohl, Shiley’s Industry Relations Manager, and Shaz Vijlee, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, explain what each year looks like for an engineering student.

Making Summer Plans

While it might be rainy, cold and gray outside, and May seems far away, now is the time for students to start making plans for what they are going to do this summer! The Career Center and its partners across campus host a plethora of career programs to help students explore options, engage with alumni and professionals, and experience summer opportunities. Encourage your student to take advantage of a variety of spring career events!

Midterm Resources and Proxy Reminders

It may seem early in the semester, but midterms creep up quickly and many students can experience increased academic pressure. Fortunately, there are many ways that parents, along with the UP community, can support students. Jalen Hall, Assistant Hall Director in Schoenfeldt, shares some insight as well as reminders for how the Proxy system works.

Send Some Love

Photo of survival kit boxes being delivered
Plan ahead for finals week and order a Survival Kit for your student! These care packages, contain a variety of snack foods, study supplies, and fun UP swag items to help your student get through finals week. Orders will be accepted until Wednesday, March 25, or until we sell out. Kits will be delivered to the dorms or available for pick up for off-campus students starting April 17.

Summer Classes Away From UP

Is your student interested in taking courses at another institution over the summer or participating in a study abroad program other than through UP? Does your student want to make sure that their external credits will count at UP? If so, they need to have their external courses reviewed for pre-approval through their School or College. Review important details for each school or college with your student.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Stay updated on upcoming financial, academic, and residence life deadlines for students.
Learn about upcoming fun and educational events available to your student.
Check out these upcoming local and regional events open to parents.

What We're Reading

Students are most likely starting to make plans for spring break in early March. This article from Collegiate Parent offers some great ideas to help your student think outside the box when planning for the week off.
parents@up.edu | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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