It’s budget season! What does that mean? It means we’re thinking about the vital role we play as a safety net for the community - it means late nights at the City County Building and early mornings in front of the whiteboard, exploring new programs and initiatives designed to meet the needs of families in our community… more on that later. 😉 Enjoy this month’s newsletter:
⭐Fierce Advocate, Star Volunteer | Meet Tim Culver, a star CASA volunteer, and read about his journey advocating for a Dane County teen!
🚨VOCA Update | Remember when we talked about how we were planning for the cuts to federal funding for victim services, back in January? The announcement has been made, more below.
📬Last Call! Vote for Canopy Center | Shhh… we’re up to 110,668 votes and counting! BUT we don’t know how many votes the other orgs have racked up! Direct your Circle votes to Canopy Center before September 30, please!
🆘CASA Connections Needed | We’re playing Bingo at the Portage VFW in November, to raise money for our CASA program. Help us throw the event of the season!
📲This Month’s Best Social Posts | Keep up with Canopy Center on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn!
Fierce Advocate, Star Volunteer |
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteer Tim Culver will be assigned to his CASA youth for three years, this October. Tim has been by his side, when the youth was placed in a residential care facility, and stayed with him as he was placed in one foster home and then another. Dane County Judge Nilsestuen recognized Tim at a court hearing this year for his thorough updates and thoughtfulness, as conveyed in his court reports.
When we recruit CASA volunteers we ask for a minimum commitment of one year. CASA volunteers meet with the child/youth they are assigned to weekly - they get to know everyone involved in the child’s case and those in their life; they write and submit reports to the court before each hearing. Best interest advocacy doesn’t have a timeline and when volunteers like Tim choose to show up - beyond the minimum commitment - it means even more.
Tim’s journey with his CASA youth, who has been in foster care for over a decade, is evidence that children who have at least one stable and committed relationship with a caring adult can develop resilience. Tim has been a consistent presence in this youth’s life, longer than the youth has been in any of his foster placements. Tim has helped his CASA youth find confidence and a voice in his path to healing, fair education and permanency. Last year, the youth expressed an interest in Track & Field and was met with barrier after barrier. Tim fought for the youth to have the opportunity to be a kid - to be somewhere he could engage on his own terms and be part of a group. We are excited that this year, Tim’s CASA youth is participating in the Gaming Club and will have the opportunity to be in Track & Field. 🎉
CASA Case Coordinator Lindy said, “I’d like to highlight Tim Culver for his years of service… What I find particularly commendable about Tim is not just his years of service, but his consistent encouragement of the youth to find and use his own voice.”
Happy anniversary, Tim… and THANK YOU!
Earlier this year, we talked about the importance of Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding for Canopy Center. VOCA is the primary source of federal funding for victim services, supporting survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and other serious crimes. VOCA is funded by the Crime Victims Fund (CVF). Due to a significant drop in deposits into the CVF, which consist of monetary penalties associated with federal criminal convictions (it is not taxpayer funded), funding for critical services, like ours, has been severely cut.
This month, we found out that Canopy Center will receive 20% of the funding received in 2024, for 2025. While this was not the news we were hoping for - we remain committed to our mission to strengthen families and support children impacted by trauma and adversity.
For the past 47 years we have shown up for our community, and we are confident that you all will show up for us now. So, as we work to diversify funding, know that each donation, offer of your time and skills, like or share on social media, or time you attend an event, you are directly supporting services that benefit someone in your community. Your support helps us advocate for children under the protection of the courts; provide a safe place for families to build back relationships; and open the door to healing for children who have experienced sexual abuse.
You can read more about VOCA, what caused these cuts and the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act that is being introduced, here.
Last Call! Vote for Canopy Center |
Help us make the most of this incredible opportunity! Every vote counts. Target Circle Members can login to their Target account at or on the mobile app and follow the prompts and instructions to vote.
Don’t forget, as you earn more votes, you can keep voting multiple times during the campaign! Voting ends on September 30.
Calling all Portage & Columbia County businesses! We are looking for sponsors for our Bingo fundraiser at the Portage VFW on November 21. Sponsorships will help ensure Bingo Night is the event of the season! 😉 Head over to our website for more information.
Do you know someone who you think would be interested - drop us a line and we’ll do the rest! Email:
This Month's Best Social Posts |
Do you follow Canopy Center on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn? If not, we’d love your support. Every like, comment and share helps spread awareness of Canopy in the community!
Here's what got the most attention this month:
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