| Trustee Update Zakir Patel • Ward 19: Scarborough - Guildwood Toronto District School Board Tel: 416-395-8787 • Cell: 647-709-7973 Zakir.Patel@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Asymptomatic Testing
The TDSB continues to work with the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and testing partners to offer asymptomatic testing to our school communities. Testing options include take-home tests, mobile testing sites and on-site testing in schools. For the on-site testing in schools, there are two models:
- a hub model where one school hosts schools within the same neighbourhood
- an individual school testing model
If testing is happening in or for your school, your school principal will communicate this information to you.
For more information, including weekly updates on schools that have been identified for asymptomatic testing, the school selection process and parent consent, please visit the TDSB webpage for Asymptomatic Testing.
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| Mental Health and Well-Being
The Toronto District School Board is committed to providing mental health and well-being support for students, their families and staff. For more information, including helpful resources and coping strategies, please visit the TDSB webpage for Mental Health and Well-Being.
Join us for our Virtual Drop-Ins!
Connect directly with staff from TDSB Professional Support Services. Join us to explore ideas regarding your child or youth's mental health and well-being.
Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Thursdays 7 p.m. - 8 p.m
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Ontario Government Delays March Break
The Minister of Education announced that March Break — originally scheduled for March 15 to 19, 2021 — has been delayed by approximately a month in hopes of reducing community transmission of COVID-19. On the advice of public health officials, the break is now scheduled for April 12 – 16, 2021.
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TDSB Participates in Ontario's Budget Consultations
On Friday, February 12, the Toronto District School Board submitted the attached information as part of Ontario’s Budget Consultations, which highlighted the following key budget areas:
- Special Education and Mental Health Support
- Technology
- Pandemic Impacts
- Capital Needs
- Education Development Charges
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TDSB Reconvenes Search for Permanent Director of Education
The largest and most diverse school board in Canada, the Toronto District School Board, has officially reconvened the search process for its next Director of Education. Interested candidates are asked to apply by Friday, March 19, 2021.
The search process, which began in the Fall of 2020, was temporarily paused because of challenges associated with the pandemic, including the inability to conduct face–to-face interviews and provide other engagement opportunities between the candidates and the hiring committee. The Board is confident that the new timeline will provide more ideal conditions to improve the process and outcome.
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Director of Education Search Video
Canada's largest and the most racially and socio-economically diverse school board is looking for its next Director of Education. Learn more about the TDSB and its search for the next Director of Education here: https://bit.ly/3qWvnNa
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Letter to Minister of Education: Capital Projects and COVID-19
Chair Alexander Brown wrote to the Minister of Education as a follow-up to their discussions about capital projects and COVID-19. For more information, please read the full letter.
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Letter to Minister of Education: Reimbursement of Reserve Funds and Pandemic-Related Costs
On behalf of the Toronto District School Board, Chair Alexander Brown wrote to the Minister of Education to advocate for the reimbursement of reserve funds and other pandemic-related costs. For more information, please read the full letter.
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Letter: Vaccinations for Congregated Sites and Intensive Support Programs Staff
On behalf of the Toronto District School Board, Chair Alexander Brown wrote to Minister Lecce, Minister Elliot, Dr. Williams and Dr. De Villa to ask for further protections for the students and staff of congregated settings and Intensive Support Programs against the spread of COVID-19. For more information, please read the full letter.
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TDSB Earth Hour 2021
Earth Hour, is a world-wide celebration where millions of people around the world turn off their lights for one hour to tackle the dual challenges facing the planet – climate change and loss of nature.
Join TDSB schools and offices on March 26, from 2 – 3 p.m., as we celebrate Earth Hour by turning off unnecessary lights and unplugging electronic devices. Additionally, families and community members can participate on March 27, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
For more information, please visit the TDSB webpage for Earth Hour 2021.
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Black Mental Health Day
On Monday, March 1, the Toronto District School Board recognized Black Mental Health Day. Held on the first Monday of March, Black Mental Health Day acknowledges the deeply rooted impact anti-Black racism has on the emotional well-being of Black communities.
Everyday, we need to recognize the important role that schools play in discussing how racial trauma impacts the mental health and well-being of our Black students and families. It is through this that we can acknowledge and support meaningful and accessible connections to resources.
Please refer to this document for access to resources available that can help with discussion opportunities in the classroom, our schools and our communities.
For more information, please visit the web story on Black Mental Health Day.
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Greek Heritage Month
March is Greek Heritage Month at the Toronto District School Board. It is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Greek Canadians to Canada, and an occasion to mark and enjoy the history of Greek culture.
The theme for this year is:
1821-2021 Freedom and Unity – Ελευθερíα και Ενóτητα Learning From Our Roots…Shaping Our Future
Learn more about Greek Heritage Month and access resources online here.
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Live Webcast of Meetings
The Toronto District School Board is committed to developing opportunities for our wider school community to connect and engage in conversations about education issues. Check out the Live Webcast of Meetings webpage to view upcoming regular board meetings and standing committee meetings that are live broadcasted to the public. These meetings are also recorded and uploaded to Webcast Archives.
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TDSB Update
Sign-up for TDSB Update and stay informed about recent Board decisions and district-wide news.
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Follow the TDSB
Join the conversations happening on TDSB's social media communities. You'll find the most up-to-date information about us on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.
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