Barack Obama kicks off campaign comeback and Julian Castro hires an ED.
Barack Obama kicks off campaign comeback and Julian Castro hires an ED.
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September 07, 2018
Cory Booker Says Bring It, Joaquín Castro Demands Answers, and Andrew Gillum Names Running Mate
DAY 3… SCOTUS confirmation hearings kick off at 9:30 EDT. We break down Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Mazie Hirono’s (D-HI) defiant moves below. COMMERCIALS=NEWS… Conservative TV giant Sinclair Broadcast Group is requiring its local news stations across the country to air multiple “must-run” segments praising “perfectly qualified” Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and encouraging a quick confirmation. BIGGEST CROWD EVER! PERIOD! A government photographer edited official pictures of Donald Trump’s inauguration to make the crowd appear bigger following a personal intervention from the president, according to newly released documents. MAGA crowd … thoughts on the fake news? SHAGGY… He’s everyone in the administration's favorite artist right now, as one after another professes, “it wasn’t me,” while Trump grows increasingly frustrated about the anonymous NYT op-ed criticizing his leadership. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES’Twitter permanently barred conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from the platform for videos Jones himself posted Wednesday that show him ranting at a CNN journalist. No word on if Donald Trump’s account will be suspended for similar behavior. PROGRESSIVE TAKES AN L… The host of progressive candidates claiming victories across the nation fell short Thursday night in Delaware as the long-serving Senator Tom Carper was able to fend off challenger Kerri Harris. BUT IS ANOTHER W ON THE HORIZON? The NYT endorsed progressive Brooklyn City Councilman Jumaane Williams for Lt. Governor saying he would bring a welcome change and be a real leader. He is running with Cynthia Nixon. New York’s primary is next Thursday. CAMPAIGN COMEBACK... We’ve been telling you all week that former President Barack Obama is hitting the campaign trail. His comeback kicks off today at the University of Illinois. OSCAR DOESN’T CARE ABOUT POPULARITY…  The Academy Awards’ notion to add a category for achievement in “popular” films was apparently very unpopular. So they nixed the idea for the next Oscars. FUMBLE… The NFL kicked off the season last night. Not a single player visibly protested the shooting of unarmed Black men or inequality in the justice system. THE REAL MVPOkay, time to hit send like I’m Serena and The Beat  is a tennis ball. We’re kicking off the weekend with this…
  • Hispanic lawmakers push the Trump administration to stop denying U.S.-born their citizenship.
  • Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) wants more educators able to teach English learning students.
  • Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (D-OH) wants to increase diversity in schools.
  • Republican candidate questions Native American opponent’s ethnicity.
  • The Aspen Institute names Fellows. Meet them below.
  • Julián Castro names an Executive Director for his PAC.
  • SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas' wife hired someone who once said 'I hate black fuck them all.' And she’s still employed. Also, the AP's Errin Haines Whack examines how Black women are organizing this fall. Check out both stories in Blogs.
Hoboken, NJ Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla sending his kids off to their first day of school this week. 
The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah on Wednesday wishing AURN’s April Ryan a happy birthday in NYC.
Mazie Hirono and Cory Booker Buck Senate Rules and Release SCOTUS Nominee’s Docs
Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI)
and Cory Booker (D-NJ) both deliberately violated rules against releasing protected information and released committee confidential docs in Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. The released emails -- which had been designated as "committee confidential" -- reference Kavanaugh’s position on racial profiling and thoughts on Roe v. Wade dating from his time as a White House official under President George W. Bush. The lawmakers took issue with how and when some of the documents were released, including a set released after having been vetted by William Burck, an attorney for Bush43. Booker challenged Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) to “bring it” when Cornyn pointed out the infraction that could come with charges and losing a position in the Senate. As it turns out, though, the documents Booker released had already been cleared by Burck, with some GOP members not realizing this as well. In the email released by Booker, titled “racial profiling,” Kavanaugh said he “generally” favored race-neutral security measures, but thought there was an “interim question” of whether the government should use racial profiling before a supposedly race-neutral system was developed. In the email Hirono released, Kavanaugh wrote that “any program targeting Native Hawaiians as a group is subject to strict scrutiny and of questionable validity under the Constitution.” The judge was advising the Treasury Department on upcoming testimony related to capital investment in “Indian country.” Hirono tweeted, “These are the docs R(epublicans) don’t want you to see—because they show that Judge Kavanaugh wrongly believes that Native Hawaiian programs are Constitutionally questionable. I defy anyone reading this to be able to conclude that it should be deemed confidential in any way, shape, or form.” Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chairman Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA) expressed solidarity with Booker and Hirono saying, "As a person who, throughout my life, has had to deal with racial profiling, if there is a nominee to the highest court in the land that has expressed troubling concerns on this issue ... concerns should be made public." CBC members held a press conference Thursday urging senators on the Judiciary Committee to reject Kavanaugh, warning he would weaken provisions of the Voting Rights Act and be a general threat to civil rights.  More here.

Catherine Cortez Masto Intros Bill to Address National Teacher Shortage of English Learning Students 
There is a national shortage of educators qualified to teach English language learners (ELL). With the nationwide growth in the number of ELL students, more districts are tapping a thin talent pool -- and challenges remain even after schools fill vacancies, with some teachers often underprepared for the job. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) hopes to address the problem with legislation she introduced on Wednesday. The Reaching English Language Learners Act would create a grant program, under Title II of the Higher Education Act, to provide support and incentivize colleges and schools to create teacher-training programs to address the shortage and better prepare the future generation of ELL educators. Five million students in U.S. public schools, or one in 10 students, are ELL. English learners are a rapidly growing and increasingly diverse population and speak more than 150 languages from around the world, with Spanish spoken by over 70% of students. “Ten percent of public school students in the United States are English learners. That means ten percent of public school students face a language gap that puts them at risk of falling behind academically,” said Cortez Masto. “I’ve introduced this bill to address the critical English language teacher shortage and help make sure that English learners have the resources they need to learn on equal footing with their peers.” More here.
Trump Admin Wants to Detain Children Indefinitely
The Trump administration announced a new rule on Thursday that would allow immigrant children with their parents to be held in detention indefinitely, upending a ban on indefinite detention that has been in place for 20 years. The proposed changes are expected to face legal challenges. Under the Flores settlement, decided in 1997 and modified in 2015, immigrant minors can't be held in jail-like settings and there are sharp limits on how long the government can detain children. The Justice Department had asked the federal court for permission "to detain alien families together throughout the pendency of criminal proceedings for improper entry or any removal or other immigration proceedings." Attorneys for detained children accused the administration of trying to terminate the Flores settlement and said they will oppose that effort in court. As of last week, nearly 500 children were still in government-run shelters without their parents. More here.
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) last month visiting with one of the dogs brought to Capitol Hill by Lucky Dog Rescue of DC.
Filmmaker Tyler Perry, Marcia Williams, and attorney Ben Crump on-set of Roland Martin’s new show to discuss missing people of color in America.
Marcia Fudge Wants to Increase Diversity in Schools
According to the Government Accountability Office, socioeconomic and racial segregation in schools have increased dramatically in the past decade. Schools that are highly socioeconomically and racially segregated generally have fewer resources. In response, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (D-OH) on Thursday introduced a bill that would authorize $120 million in grants to increase diversity in schools. The Strength in Diversity Act would provide grants to boost local efforts to study diversity and review school district boundaries, among other things. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has introduced companion legislation in the Senate. The members say the legislation would help provide equitable access and resources for schools, and work to address other inequities within the education system. “Access to a quality education has become the civil rights issue of our time,” said Fudge. “We currently have a Department of Education – under the leadership of Secretary DeVos – that is actively undermining students’ civil rights protections.  Increasing diversity in staff, resources, and student populations in our public schools should be a top priority.” More here.
CHC Members Want Trump Admin to Stop Denying U.S.-Born Their Citizenship
There is a growing number of people who were born along the U.S.-Mexico border, and their citizenship is suddenly being thrown into question. The Trump administration is accusing hundreds, and maybe thousands, of Hispanics of using fraudulent birth certificates since their birth. Their official birth records show they were born in the U.S., but they are now being denied passports. In response, Congressmen Vicente González (D-TX), Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), and Jimmy Gómez (D-CA) have introduced the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Improvement Act of 2018. If passed, their bill would prevent the State Department from judging an individual on the basis of race, ethnicity, or ancestry during the passport application process. Under the bill, the State Department also could not deny or flag an individual for citizenship questioning, even in the presence of a midwife birth certificate, without substantial evidence and may not create an argument, solely to question the authenticity of documents, based on the aforementioned criteria. “No U.S. citizen should ever endure questioning about the nature of their birth,” González said. “Every American, especially members of our Armed Forces and veterans, has the right to hold a U.S. Passport to travel abroad and return home without having their ethnic or ancestral background questioned.” Espaillat said that he is “deeply concerned about the State Department’s arbitrary enforcement and use of a policy to question, detain, and even deport U.S. citizens. We take these reports very seriously, and our bill would work to ensure that U.S. passport holders and individuals will not be discriminated against when applying to renew their passports or travel abroad.” Gómez added that “[u]sing an American citizen’s ethnic or immigrant background as the basis to deny their passport or revoke a previously issued passport flies in the face of the values that define our nation.” More here.

Joaquín Castro Leads CHC Letter Demanding Answers on Care Provided to Detainees
Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-TX)
on Thursday led fellow members of the Hispanic Caucus in a letter demanding answers about the conditions at the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, TX that led to the death of 18-month-old Mariee. The toddler, who was held in DHS custody from March 1st to March 25th, first became ill with a pulmonary illness and suffered a high fever of more than 104 degrees. After a prolonged illness and infection, Mariee passed away on May 10th from pneumonitis. In a letter to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, the members urged Nielsen to direct the Office of the Inspector General to examine whether Immigration and Customs Enforcement Health Service Corps provided the appropriate care for Mariee, whether overall care for detainees can be improved to prevent such tragedies moving forward, and for DHS to employ alternatives to detention. “These families and young children have travelled thousands of miles to the United States to escape violence, persecution, and possible death. It is indefensible that when these young children arrive in our country, they are forced in settings that increase disease transmission and that the stress and anxiety they have experienced in their journey will likely exacerbate any illness or mental health condition,” the letter reads. “We request that you direct the Office of Inspector General to examine whether U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Health Service Corps provided the appropriate course of care for Mariee and whether, overall, ICE can improve the level of care provided to all detainees.  Furthermore, we ask that DHS utilize alternatives to detention that have been shown to be effective, less costly, and provide healthier settings for children and families.” More here.

Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM) last month recognizing Frederica Antonio of the Acoma Pueblo for her work as a Native artist in New Mexico at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert on Tuesday at the doctor’s office to advocate for ‘Take Your Loved One to the Doctor’ month, which is October.
Andrew Gillum Announces a Running Mate
Florida gubernatorial and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum announced on Thursday his former primary rival Chris King of Orlando will be his running mate. In a Facebook Live broadcast announcing his choice with their wives R. Jai and Kristen, Gillum called King a partner who he said would help him govern the state. “This is not a political marriage -- this is not a marriage of convenience,” King added. “This is a family.” Like Gillum, King is also a 39-year-old father of three. The entrepreneur studied religion at Harvard and law at the University of Florida, and calls himself a Christian progressive. Also like Gillum, he ran hard to the left on several platforms. He advocates for a $15 minimum wage, restoring voting rights for most felons (now a ballot question in the general election), and legalizing recreational marijuana. He also campaigned on expanding affordable housing, the focus of his investment firm Elevation Financial Group, which he founded in 2006. He placed fifth in the primary with under 3% of the vote but his Orlando base gives Gillum geographic inroads in the middle of the crucial corridor. Their ticket also got a healthy financial boost. Within 48 hours of Gillum winning the Democratic primary, the campaign had raised more than $2 million in contributions -- more than double its best week since Gillum announced his candidacy 18 months ago. On Wednesday, Miami state Rep. Jeanette Nuñez was confirmed as the running mate for GOP opponent Congressman Ron DeSantis. See video of the announcement here.

Opponent Questions Deb Haaland’s Native American Ethnicity
The race for New Mexico’s First Congressional District took an ugly racial turn. In an interview with Fox News’ Fox and Friends on Thursday, former state Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones, the Republican nominee for the seat, suggested that her opponent, Democratic congressional candidate Deb Haaland, isn’t Native American because she did not grow up on a reservation. Host Ainsley Earhardt remarked that Haaland would be the first Native American woman in Congress if elected, to which Arnold-Jones replied, “That’s what they say, yes.” When pressed about her answer, Arnold-Jones continued: “Well, there’s no doubt that her lineage is Laguna, but she’s a military brat, just like I am, and so [long pause], you know, it evokes images that she was raised on a reservation. She belongs to a pueblo.” Haaland responded with a statement on Facebook: “My opponent's assertion on Fox News today that my parents' military service, or not being raised on a reservation, means I am not Native American is racist, an assault on military families, and wrong. For generations, Native Americans have been subjected to genocide, forced assimilation, and government-backed family separation. Even today, Native American Tribes suffer through attacks on tribal sovereignty and the ongoing unanswered epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Despite all of that, Native Americans are still here, we are proud, and we matter. I am proud to be a citizen of the Pueblo of Laguna, and I am proud of my parents’ service in both the Marines and the US Navy.” More here.
Latino Voters Ignored Two Months Shy of Midterms
Latino voters are still being ignored by the nation’s major campaigns, political parties, and funders, according to a newly released poll from The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund and Latino Decisions. With Election Day less than two months away, more than 67% of polled Latino voters stated that they are certain to cast ballots in the congressional and statewide office contests this year. Yet, results of the first wave of a 10-week tracking poll of Latino registered voters found that nearly 60% of Latino registered voters reported that they have not been contacted by a campaign, political party or organization asking them to register or vote. Results also show that 45% of Latino registered voters polled believe the Democratic Party either does not care about or is hostile towards the Latino community.  This is in comparison to 79% of polled Latino registered voters who felt the same about the Republican Party, including 38% who believe that the Party is being hostile towards Latinos. And more than 31% of Latino voters view stopping Donald Trump and the Republican agenda, and putting an end to racist comments about Latinos, as the most important issues facing the Latino community. Other top issues include lowering the costs of healthcare (20%), protecting immigrant rights (17%), and creating more jobs (13%). More here.

Atlanta Mayor Calls for ICE to Move its Detainees Out of the City Jail
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on Thursday signed an executive order releasing all Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees from the city's jails, declaring that Atlanta will no longer hold anyone for the federal agency. The move follows a separate executive order from June that blocked the jail from taking in any new ICE detainees amid enforcement of the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy on the southwest border, which split up many immigrant families; Bottoms has vigorously objected to that federal policy. “We will no longer be complicit with a policy that intentionally inflicts misery on a vulnerable population without giving any thought to the fallout,” the Mayor said. “As the birthplace of the civil rights movement, we are called to be better than this.” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams praised the move. Communities across the nation are rethinking their relationships with ICE amid the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration. In Sacramento County, CA, officials voted in June against renewing a multi-million dollar contract to hold the federal agency’s detainees in a county jail. That same month, the Springfield, OR City Council voted to end an ICE contract for holding its detainees in a city jail. More here.
Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) and his wife Betty Lieu on Sunday after date night at the movies to see Crazy Rich Asians.
CBS News’ Gayle King with her daughter Kirby Bumpus and son William Bumpus Jr. on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico earlier this week.
Square Names Financial Inclusion Lead
Courtney Robinson
has joined Square as the company’s Financial Inclusion Lead. She recently served as Senior Counsel on the House Financial Services Committee, where she worked closely with Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA). In her new role, she will work on issues critical to underserved communities and financial services policy development, particularly related to equal access to banking services and the broader financial system. The 2009 North Carolina Central University graduate, who completed law school at American University in 2012, previously served as the Policy Counsel for the Center for Responsible Lending and as a Legal Analyst for Freddie Mac. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. member joins the fintech company at a time when 30 years of well-meaning initiatives on financial inclusion efforts have yet to deliver on their promise. CEO Jack Dorsey, who also runs Twitter, says with Square Cash the company is reaching an underserved and an underbanked population. Robinson will help meet metrics across the company’s platforms. Also, Square released their first diversity report in 2017, and the San Francisco-based company employed a workforce that was 25% AAPI, 6% African American, 5% Latino, and less than 1% Native American. More about Robinson here.

Julián Castro’s Opportunity First PAC Names Executive Director 
Maya Rupert
has joined Julián Castro’s Opportunity First PAC as its Executive Director. Rupert most recently worked as the Senior Director for Policy at the Center for Reproductive Rights, where she was responsible for overseeing the Center’s federal, state, and local policy work in the U.S. Prior to that, she served as Senior Policy Advisor to HUD Secretary Julián Castro and earlier, as Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel in the Office of General Counsel. Before HUD, she was Policy Director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Rupert has also been a contributing writer to a number of media outlets including O Magazine, The Washington Post, the LA Times, and The Huffington Post. The University of California-Santa Barbara graduate, who received her law degree from the University of California-Berkeley, clerked for the Honorable Eric L. Clay of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeal. “Secretary Castro founded this organization with the vision that political change can happen if we invest in - and believe in - a new generation of leadership, so we're working to build a bench of young, progressive, and energetic Democrats by getting them the support and resources they need to run for office - and win. I could not be more thrilled to be a part of this effort and am looking forward to supporting so many future leaders!,” she said. Castro has been open about considering a presidential run in 2020 and has used the PAC to endorse a few successful candidates across the country including Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew GillumMore about her here.

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) on the Hill this week to discuss how to strengthen the workforce through apprenticeships that provide valuable on-the-job training and education.
Journalist Jorge Ramos promoting his new Facebook Watch show, Real America with Jorge Ramos, which premiered last night.
Will Journalists of Color Once Again Unite?
Unity -- the umbrella organization that once encompassed Asian American Journalists Association, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the Native American Journalists Association -- may be reuniting. Formed to unite non-white journalism organizations, Unity finally threw in the towel after three decades of fighting the good fight. Relationships between leaders of the four constituent organizations of Unity quickly became contentious. There were personality clashes and, perhaps more importantly, fights over finances and power battles. The organization struggled after founding members NABJ and NAHJ seceded. Now that Unity no longer exists or any of the constraints which motivated the exit of some of its founding members; a former NAHJ president who led his organization's exit is now leading the call to reunite. Hugo Balta wrote: “In this unprecedented time where the President of the United States is inciting the public by calling journalists the enemy and widening the rift between communities, often exploiting it for political gain – the reuniting of journalists of color is of the utmost importance. In addition, that includes the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) whose members proudly wave a multicolored flag.” Will the other organizations heed the call? Stay tuned. More from Balta here.

WaPo’s Jonathan Capehart Launches New Program Just in Time for Midterms
The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is adding a temporary side gig in the lead-up to the midterms. Starting Monday, the Pulitzer Prize-winning opinion writer, host of the Cape Up podcast and MSNBC contributor will host a national live-news and call-in program Monday through Thursday called America On the Line. The show will broadcast from New York Public Radio’s WNYC and will air at 8P. Featuring newsmaker interviews, campaign coverage, and analysis of races across the country until November 8th, Capehart says his program stands apart from ubiquitous midterm coverage because he will dive deep and engage with both voters and change agents alike. “We’re going to get beyond the horse and talk to candidates running for office and activists pushing for change,” he told The Beat DC. “The best part is we’re going to take calls from listeners across the country. That’s the only way to get real insight into what real people from all political persuasions really care about.” The show will be available across multiple platforms including tune-in radio,, and the wnyc app. Capehart’s recent opinion pieces for the Post include "Why y’all so surprised Andrew Gillum won?" and "The biggest threat to democracy no one is talking about." Check out more of his work here.
Racist Online Content Spiked After Trump’s Election
Racist content increased significantly across the internet spiking around Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day and again around the Charlottesville white supremacist rally according to newly released data. The findings, from a newly formed group of scientists called the Network Contagion Research Institute who studied hundreds of millions of social media messages, found the use of a racial slur referring to African Americans grew by more than 30% between July 2016 and January 2018. Typically, content came in the form of memes promoting hateful ideas in crass words and imagery. “There may be 100 racists in your town, but in the past they would have to find each other in the real world. Now they just go online,” said one of the researchers, Jeremy Blackburn, an Assistant Professor of computer science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “These things move these radicals, these outliers in society, closer, and it gives them bigger voices as well.” Another researcher said that when people aggregate together in these communities, they end up radicalizing each other. More here.

NAACP President Derrick Johnson and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) walking to a #SCOTUS press conference to protest Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Former Secretary of State and UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright visiting Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) on Wednesday in DC.
Meet the 2018 Aspen Institute Fellows 
The Aspen Institute announced the 2018 class of Aspen Institute Ascend Fellows on Thursday. The Ascend Fellowship invests in diverse, entrepreneurial leaders from a range of sectors who have breakthrough ideas to build economic security, educational success, and health and well-being for families in the U.S. Among the Fellows are Kwame Anku, CEO and Chairman of the Black Star Fund, an early stage innovation fund investing in the U.S. and Africa; Myla Calhoun, President of the Alabama Power Foundation, which grants to Alabama nonprofits, education institutions, and community organizations; Wendy Ellis, Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator of Building Community Resilience at George Washington University; Tobeka Green, President and CEO of the National Black Child Development Institute, which works to improve and advance the equality of life for Black children and families through education and advocacy; Laura Huerta Migus, Executive Director of the Association of Children’s Museums, the world’s largest professional society promoting and advocating on behalf of children’s museums and children’s museum professionals; Joseph Jones, Founder and CEO of the Center for Urban Families, Inc., which empowers low-income families by enhancing both the ability of women and men to contribute to their families as wage earners and of men to fulfill their roles as fathers; Jennifer Lee, Director of the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Service, who is responsible for overseeing a $10 billion budget and providing health coverage for more than one million Virginians; Lorelei Vargas, Deputy Commissioner of the Child and Family Well-Being with City of New York’s Administration for Children’s Services, where she is responsible for administering the agency’s first division dedicated to using a two-generation approach to strengthen programs, leverage existing resources, and build on the assets that are inherent in the children and families of NYC; and Raphael Warnock, Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the spiritual home of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., among others. More here.
Today - Saturday, September 8th: The Hispanic National Bar Association’s 43rd Annual Convention, “The Breakthrough Convention!” CNN’s Jim Acosta will keynote the Gala. 1201 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA. Click here for more information.
Today, 11A: Dialogue on Diversity's 2018 Entrepreneurship/IT Conference, "STEAM -- Power for the XXI Century." 2043 Rayburn House Office Building. 45 Independence Ave., S.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Today, 6:30P: The AT&T Performing Arts Center and Interabang Books host Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to celebrate the release of her two new children's books, TURNING PAGES: My Life Story and THE BELOVED WORLD OF Sonia Sotomayor. Wyly Theatre, 2400 Flora St, Dallas, TX. Click here for more information
Monday, September 10, 11A-1P: The Brookings Institution hosts “Claiming seats at the table: Black women’s electoral strength in an era of fractured politics.” The Metropolitan Policy Program, in partnership with Higher Heights Leadership Fund, will explore the tapped and untapped electoral strength of Black women. The Brookings Institution, Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Monday, September 10th, 12:30P – 2P: DNC Chair Tom Pérez hosts the DNC Hispanic Heritage Month Lunch, 2018 Briefing & Strategy Session. Democratic National HQ. Invite only.
Tuesday, September 11th - Wednesday, September 12th: CHCI's Annual Leadership Conference. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, September 12th - Thursday, September 13th: National Congress of American Indians’ Tribal Unity Impact Days. 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building, DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, September 12th - Saturday, September 16th: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 48th Annual Legislative Conference. Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Click here for more information
Thursday, September 13th, 11:30A: Walker’s Legacy and the African American Mayors Association host the 2018 Women in Business and Civic Leadership Awards. Honorees include Constance Logan, MI District Director for the U.S. Small Business Administration; Inez Long, President/CEO of the Black Business Investment Fund, Inc.; and Dr. Unique Morris-Hughes, Interim Director of The Washington DC Department of Employment Services. The Hamilton Live, 600 14th Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 13th, 6P: “An Evening Reception in Washington D.C. with Stacey Abrams.” Event chaired by Toni Cook Bush & Dwight BushSharon Malone & Eric Holder, and Leslie & Spencer Overton, among others. DC. Address provided upon RSVP. Click here for more information
Thursday, September 13th: CHCI's 41st Annual Anniversary Awards Gala. Honoring Univisión’s Jorge Ramos, education activist Anna Michele Bobadilla, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion for Comcast Corporation Juan Otero, and Chief of Staff to Congressman Jimmy Gómez (D-CA) Bertha Alisia Guerrero. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC. 901 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Friday, September 14th: The Black Women's Agenda, Inc.’s 41st Annual Symposium Workshop & Awards Luncheon. Honorees include GA gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, NJ Lt. Gov. Sheila Y. Oliver, and AT&T Assistant VP of Public Affairs Tonya L. Lombard, among others. Marriott Marquis. 901 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., DC. Click here for more information
Friday, September 14th - Saturday, September 15th: 2018 Puerto Rican Diaspora Summit, a two-day conference that will provide a space for the discussion of policy issues and the articulation of community response from the perspective of Puerto Ricans in the National Capital region and other stakeholders. UDC School of Law. 4340 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., DC. Click here for more information
Monday, September 17th, 5:30P: The Creative Artists Agency hosts "Cocktails and Conversation," featuring Valerie Jarrett. Sofitel Lafayette Square, 806 15th Street, N.W., DC. Invite only. 
Wednesday, September 19th: "The Political LEAP: The Role of Women in 2018" a women empowerment luncheon focused on the role of women in politics, featuring Symone Sanders and Alencia Johnson. The Hamilton, 600 14th Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 20th, 7P: PEN America hosts Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist José Antonio Vargas in conversation with Latino USA’s María Hinojosa for the launch of Vargas’ new book, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen. The Great Hall, The Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street, NYC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 20th: The She the People Summit, a national gathering of women of color transforming U.S. politics. Guest speakers include Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), civil rights icon Dolores Huerta, Women’s March co-organizer Linda Sarsour, and Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza, among others. The Julia Morgan Ballroom, 465 California Street, San Francisco, CA. Click here for more information
Tuesday, September 25th - Wednesday, September 26th: National Action Network’s Annual Legislative and Policy Conference. Capitol Hill, DC. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, September 25th - Saturday, September 29th: NBMBAA 40th Annual Conference & Exposition. Detroit, MI. Click here for more information.
Friday, September 28th, 6P: MALDEF's 50th Anniversary San Antonio Gala featuring special guests, Antonia Hernández and Vilma Martínez, past MALDEF Presidents and General Counsels, and honoring former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, among others. The Westin Riverwalk, 420 W Market Street, San Antonio, TX. Click here for more information.
Thursday, October 4th: Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC hosts their 22nd annual American Courage Awards reception. Click here for more information.
Sunday, October 21st - Friday, October 26th: National Congress of American Indians’ 75th Annual Convention & Marketplace, “Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future.” Hyatt Regency Denver, 650 15th St., Denver, CO. Click here for more information.
Sunday, October 28th - Tuesday, October 30thThe Atlantic, The Aspen Institute, and Bloomberg Philanthropies' CityLab 2018, convene a summit to address the most urgent urban issues of our time. Westin Book Cadillac Hotel, 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI. Click here for more information.
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