"In a world where ordinary services are being transformed into subscriptions and tailor-made experiences left and right, Unbound’s innovation feels inevitable. It calls itself a crowd-funding publisher—combining the freedom and adaptability of self-publishing with the expertise and discernment of a traditional publisher. “How does that work,” you ask? Well, like a traditional publisher, their titles are curated. But, before any of the production business gets underway, every book is listed on their website and has its own, individual fundraiser. Anyone can donate to the cause of seeing that particular book make it into the world and, in exchange, receive gifts that range from a signed copy of the yet-to-be-produced title to quirky merch and your name printed at the end of the book. Production only starts after a book gets fully crowd-funded, and if the funding doesn’t come, the book doesn’t get made either. It’s that simple. At this moment, Unbound has 31 titles in the crowdfunding stage, just go to their website to see a live count of how close a title is from getting made, and, if you want, contribute." –Los Angeles Weekly Times