Best in class content

Best in class content

Top teachers and trainers help you grow and learn with over 400 videos covering hundreds of training and teaching skills for dogs, horses and other animals.

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Pack learning

We can help your organization train with private group subscriptions. Contact us for groups of 10 or more.

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You can watch on any web enabled device - from your laptop, desktop, tablet and phone in fully mobile responsive format. Bring us a browser, we'll bring you the learning.

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Exclusive Content

We feature exclusively effective positive reinforcement trainers and training methods. All videos in our catalog are curated to provide you with the best, cutting-edge training information. For example, the ClickerExpo conference is a flagship source of expert and exclusive content in our catalog. It features world-class trainers and behavior experts like Ken Ramirez, Susan Friedman, Hannah Branigan, Kathy Sdao, Michele Pouliot, and over 40 others. Have a peek!