Throughline Chapel at San Marcos Academy

The High School and Middle School Chapel Coordinators spearhead a school wide focus at San Marcos Academy in Texas, a boarding school as well as Preschool through High School invited their students into God’s story by inviting speakers, teachers, and staff to speak at chapel. They highlight from scripture and personal experience the concepts expressed in their school Throughlines that were developed last year.  

In this story, June Bond describes how student engagement and learning around Throughlines extends beyond their chapel time.

Each month students meet in small groups during chapel to reflect and share what the Throughline means to them.

Mr. Koenig, the Bible Teacher, extends the learning by going deeper with the monthly Throughline focus.  He integrates the Throughline into his various Bible Study subjects.

The Throughline for the month is then spread throughout the halls and classrooms.  A large panel for each month’s reflections from students lines the hallway. Administration provides a colorful monthly Throughline Sign for each teacher to use and connect an experience with their subject.  Each class relates the Throughline through their own specific Deep Hope and Storyline.

Focusing everyone on one Throughline per month has brought unity and depth to the whole school. It has built a common language and culture which enables all to see their part in God’s Story.
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