Weekly Announcements for April 19, 2024
Peace & Social Concerns Online Networking Day, April 27th |
The Annual BYM Peace & Social Concerns Networking Day will take place Saturday, April 27th at 9:00am on Zoom. The 2024 Networking Day will focus on Kingian Non-Violence, Gaza, and other Peace Concerns. The day will begin with a conversation with Dwight Dunston before Friends break into Networking groups. Dwight Dunston is a Philadelphia Quaker, West Philly-based facilitator, hip-hop artist, educator, and activist who has brought his creativity, care, and compassion to schools, community centers, retirement homes, festivals, and stadiums all over the country and internationally. Dwight is a Pendle Hill faculty member this spring, and the host the of Pendle Hill’s podcast The Seed: Conversations for Radical Hope. Dwight will be joined by Barbara Bezdek (Homewood Friends Meeting, Baltimore). Both are certified trainers in the legacy tradition of Kingian Nonviolence stewarded by Dr. Bernard Lafayette, who was part of Dr. King's core team from Selma to Memphis. Dwight and Barbara have co-presented workshops in Kingian Nonviolence principles and practices with Quakers, Church of the Brethren, and other faith groups.
Called Interim Meeting Tomorrow! 1:30pm
BYM will hold a Called Meeting tomorrow Saturday, April 20 at 1:30pm to discuss and hopefully approve Peace and Social Concerns Committee's recent minute on Ceasefire in Palestine. The minute received a first reading at Winter Interim Meeting on March 23rd, and Friends present agreed that the matter was too urgent to lay over until June Interim Meeting for a second reading. Please consult the current minute available here and read the Minutes to see what discussions have already happened at the March Interim Meeting. Contact Barbara Bezdek at blbinbmore@gmail.com of Peace and Social Concerns Committee if you have questions.
| Steve Chase Lecture Now Available Online
Roanoke Meeting to Host Memorial for Bob Fetter
Roanoke Friends Meeting will have a memorial worship for Bob Fetter on Saturday, May 11, 11:00 a.m., hybrid. Roanoke Friends Meeting is located at Roanoke Meeting is at 505 Day Ave, Roanoke, VA. To join by Zoom, contact Tony Martin at anthonycmartin@yahoo.com for the link.
| Sandy Spring Meeting Seeks Religious Ed Coordinator
Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Sandy Spring, Maryland, seeks a half-time Religious Education Coordinator to assist and enhance the Religious Education Committee’s work. A detailed job description is available at sandyspring.org/jobs. The application deadline is May 20th.
Each year, BYM publishes a Directory of the names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers of those Friends serving on Committees of the Yearly Meeting. The Directory can help put you in touch with that Friend you saw speak at Annual Session last year or the Clerk of a Yearly Meeting Committee for consultation. While the 2023 Yearbook has been woefully delayed (coming by mid-May!), the Directory is available TODAY. To get a copy of the Directory, please email Lucy Azenga at Admin@bym-rsf.org.
| FGC Summer Gathering: Register by Tuesday, April 23rd
The FGC Gathering is the summer gathering and conference for Unprogrammed Friends across the US. Featuring workshops, worship, youth programs, and oodles of joyful fellowship - come meet Friends from all over and deepen your spiritual life. FGC expects the 2024 Gathering to sell out and may not be able to take additional registrations after April 23rd. A "pay later" option is available - so don't miss out!
Spring Rentals at BYM Camps |
The wild cherries and forsythia are in full bloom and the mountain azalea have begun to bud at BYM Camps. One way BYM supports the financial sustainability of our camps is through seasonal rentals. Whether you're looking for a weekend writing retreat or group camping for your Meeting or family reunion, check out the rentals at BYM Camps!
Catoctin Quaker Camp Cabins & Lodge features 8 different cabins available to rent - with the option to book out the entire property. Toilets, showers, picnic tables, and potable water are all available near each cabin site with additional access to our large, environmentally friendly bathhouse. BYM Friends are also able to rent out the dining hall with commercial kitchen for larger events. BYM Meetings receive a discount - contact DylanPhillips@bym-rsf.org for the discount code.
The Studio at Catoctin Quaker Camp offers a less rugged experience for a quiet spiritual retreat or family outing. The Studio features beds for 5, kitchen, and private bathroom. Located on 385 private acres just 15 minutes from Catoctin Mountain Park, Cunningham Falls State Park, and Gambril State Park - come to Catoctin Quaker Camp for a wonderful weekend in the woods.
Coming in Fall 2024: Rentals at Opequon Quaker Camp at Rolling Ridge
Construction projects are in full swing at the new Opequon Quaker Camp at Rolling Ridge Conservancy near Harper's Ferry, WV. Located on 1700 of protected land with a variety of programs offered at Friends Wilderness Center, Opequon rentals will include a fully modern, 4-season lodge with working fireplace and beds for 18 - in addition to a variety of cabin and platform tent accommodations, dining hall, and commercial kitchen.
To submit your items for the BYM Weekly Announcements,
please email Admin@bym-rsf.org.
| Baltimore Yearly Meeting
17100 Quaker Lane | Sandy Spring, MD | 20860 USA
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