I am delighted to announce the appointment of Ramez N. Eskander, MD as the CTO Director at UC San Diego Health and Moores Cancer Center. Dr. Eskander, who advances oncology through innovative gynecology oncology research, will lead CTO into a new era of discovery and patient care. CTO extends its heartfelt gratitude to Sandip Patel, MD, Dr. Eskander’s predecessor, for his contributions that laid a solid foundation for the advancement of clinical trials at Moores.
In his role as CTO Director, Dr. Eskander will work closely with Moores Associate Director of Clinical Research, Dr. Rana McKay and Moores Physician-in-Chief, Dr. Ayad Hamdan, in directing the disease-team-based clinical research portfolios at CTO.
Dr. Eskander’s wealth of experience and knack for collaboration make him a strong leader, and CTO is confident that his tenure will further enhance its capacity to pioneer groundbreaking treatments that bolster the position of Moores as a leading cancer center in the United States. As clinical trials are instrumental in shaping the future of oncology, CTO anticipates even greater strides in translating research into tangible improvements in patient outcomes at Moores, under the guidance of Dr. Eskander.
As CTO welcomes Dr. Eskander, Moores can celebrate the collaborative spirit that drives its mission to bring hope and healing to those battling cancer. Congratulations to Ramez, and I am very excited about the transformative effect he will have on clinical trials at Moores.