Dear students,
I understand that many of you have questions regarding graduate student unionization and the potential impact it could have on your experience at Vanderbilt. To help address these questions, I invite you to join me for a virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Vice Provost André Christie-Mizell and Vice Provost G.L. Black will join me as we discuss Vanderbilt’s position on unionization, its potential impacts and how it might affect student-faculty relationships. We will also set aside time to answer your questions directly.
To ensure anonymity, we’ve created a form where you can pre-submit questions anonymously. This will allow us to address your questions while protecting your privacy.
I look forward to this important conversation.
C. Cybele Raver
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vanderbilt University