NSF / Directorate for STEM Education – Division of Undergraduate Education
Program: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Solicitation #: 25-514
Synopsis: Supports institutions of higher education with funds for scholarships to encourage and enable domestic low-income students with academic ability, talent or potential and demonstrated financial need to enter the U.S. workforce following completion of associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degrees in S-STEM eligible disciplines. The program is prioritized and funded on 3 tracks. Please consult the solicitation for the very detailed information on each track. Track 1 involves institutional capacity building, led by either a faculty member in a S-STEM eligible discipline or an academic administrator who has taught an eligible discipline with the last two years. Track 2 involves implementation and will also be led by either a faculty member in a S-STEM eligible discipline or an academic administrator who has taught an eligible discipline with the last two years; Track 3 involves inter-institutional consortia and support multi-institutional collaborations that focus on a common interest or challenge. Inter-institutional Consortia projects represent diverse collaborations, including partnerships between 2-year colleges and 4-year colleges and universities, between 4-year colleges and graduate programs, or between comparable institutions looking to implement and study parallel interventions.
Award details: Track 1: Requests may now be up to $2M for projects up to 6 years; Track 2 proposals may request up to $2M for projects up to 6 years; and Track 3 proposals may request up to $5M for projects up to 6 years. Collaborative projects may not exceed $100K for projects of a maximum one year.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/nsf-24-511/
External announcement on website: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/s-stem-nsf-scholarships-science-technology-engineering-mathematics/nsf24-511/solicitation
USC Internal due date: December 13, 2024.
External due date: March 4, 2024.
***Limited Submission***
NIH / National Eye Institute
Program: NEI Postbaccalaureate Opportunities in Vision Science (POVS) Research Education Program (R25 — Education Projects)
NOFO #: PAR-24-290
Synopsis: Supports research education programs that will significantly advance the mission of NEI. The proposed research education programs should focus on intensive hands-on research experiences to prepare recent college graduates from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups, for biomedical doctoral degree programs. In addition to encouraging participants to pursue careers in biomedical research, NEI also seeks to recruit individuals without prior opportunities to participate in research in the visual sciences. Programs appropriate for this NOFO must include participants from a nationally recruited cohort.
Award details: $400K for direct costs per year for a project period of 5 years.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/par-24-290/
External announcement on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-24-290.html
USC Internal due date: December 13, 2024.
External due date: Annual due dates through 2027. Next due date is January 25, 2025.
***Limited Submission***
U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) / University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP)
Program: Research and Development Grant FY 2025
NOFO #: 31310025K0001
Synopsis: Supports research and development for nuclear science, engineering, advanced nuclear technology, and related disciplines to develop a workforce capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. Social science research will be considered under this announcement, e.g. projects that would foster the development of innovative community engagement strategies, including incorporation of principles of equity and environmental justice. Desired outcomes of supported research projects include (1) identification and closure of potentially important technical gaps ahead of regulatory needs; (2) heightened awareness and knowledge of key advanced technology developments being pursued outside of NRC; and (3) improved foundational knowledge on key topics of future regulatory interest.
Award details: Application budgets may include up to $500K total cost (directs and indirects) over a 3-year project period.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/nuclear-regulatory-commission/
Announcement on website: NRC / UNLP FY25 Research and Development
USC Internal due date: December 16, 2024.
Application due date: January 31, 2025.
***Limited Submission***
Department of Energy (DoE)
Program: High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Transportation Package, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
NOFO #: DE-FOA-0002967
Synopsis: Supports the development of long-term economical solutions for the transportation of HALEU through the development and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification of new transportation packages or the modification of existing packages. Topics of interest include
Topic Area 1: Applications for NRC certification of new package design concepts. DoE intends this topic for concepts that will likely require sufficient award duration and funding to achieve competitive, economically viable transportation packages.
Topic Area 2: Applications for NRC certification of modification to existing design packages. DoE intends this topic for concepts that are further along in their development and require less time and costs associated with achieving NRC certificate of compliance.
Award details: Topic Area 1: Up to $6M with 50% cost share for projects up to 3 years; Topic Area 2: Up to $2M with 50% cost share for projects up to 2 years.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/de-foa-0002967/
External announcement on website: HALEU Transportation Package Part 1; HALEU Transportation Package Part 2
USC Internal due date: December 16, 2024.
External due date: January 21, 2024.
Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation
Program: Fellowships for Predoctoral Candidate and Postdoctoral for Study in Art in the Spanish Americas
Synopsis: Supports projects and research initiatives with potential to advAance the study of the art of the Spanish Americas. Projects from all of Spanish colonial Latin America and the Caribbean will be considered; however, the foundation will give strong preference to projects that make specific contributions to the history of painting and sculpture in vice regal South America. Post doc applicants must have received their doctorate between 2014 and 2024. Exceptionally accomplished scholars holding a master’s may also be considered. In addition, the foundation invites applications for the Thoma Foundation Research & Travel Awards In Art of the Spanish Americas. Through this program, grants will be awarded to scholars, curators, art historians, and advanced graduate students working on MA theses or Ph.D. dissertations in support of projects and research initiatives that will advance the field of the art of the Spanish Americas.
Award details: Predoctoral candidate dissertation research fellowship: $50K for one year; Postdoctoral research fellowship: $65K over one to two years; Travel award: $25K for projects of six month duration.
Announcement on website: https://grants.thomafoundation.org/fellowships-awards-for-individuals/art-of-the-spanish-americas-fellowships-awards/
Application due date: December 15, 2024 (online).
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA)
Program: Residential Fellowships
Synopsis: Supports national and international writers, visual artists, and composers of talent and promise to bring forth their finest works because the arts are vital, diversity is a strength, and creativity is essential. Mt. San Angelo is located in Amherst, Virginia and a second site is located in Moulin à Nef, Auvillar, France. VCCA Fellows are selected by peer review on the basis of professional achievement or promise of achievement in their respective fields.
Award details: Residencies are typically from a week to 2 months. Fellows enjoy private studios, private bedrooms, and meals.
Announcement on website: https://www.vcca.com/
Application due dates: Residencies are available for Fall 2025 (due date is January 15, 2025) Winter 2026 (due date is May 15, 2025) and Summer 2026 (September 15, 2025).
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Program: Early Career Research Awards
Synopsis: Supports junior researchers (within six years of earning a PhD) for policy-related research on employment issues. The Institute encourages research proposals on all issues related to employment and public workforce policy. Research of interest may examine how policies affect overall labor market outcomes or the labor market outcomes of different groups. Junior researchers in economics, sociology, public policy, political science, and related fields are encouraged to apply. Recipients of this award are expected to write and prepare a synopsis of the research for use as a policy brief and for possible publication in the Institute’s newsletter.
Award details: $7.5K over 18 months. No indirects but will consider reasonable research expenses as part of the budget. The grant does not fund dissertation research.
Announcement on website: https://www.upjohn.org/sites/default/files/2024-11/25%20Grant%20Announcement.pdf
Application due date: January 18, 2025.
The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research (in partnership with the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)
Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Aging Research
Synopsis: Supports postdoctoral fellows at all levels of training who specifically direct their research towards basic aging mechanisms and / or translational findings that have direct benefits to human aging and health span. Projects investigating age-related diseases will be considered, but only if approached from the point of view of how basic aging processes may lead to these outcomes. Projects concerning mechanisms underlying common geriatric functional disorders such as frailty will also be considered. Eligible candidates are postdoctoral fellows as of
July 1, 2025. who have received no more than 5 years of postdoctoral training at the time of the start of the award must provide a justification for the additional training period.
Award details: $75K for one year.
Announcement on website: https://www.afar.org/grants/glenn-postdoc
Letter of Intent due date: January 27, 2025.
Full application due date (invited): Late May 2025. Projects begin July 1, 2025.
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
Program: Steven H. Sandell Grant Program
Synopsis: Supports scholars in the field of retirement or disability research and policy. The program is funded by the U.S. Social Security Administration to provide opportunities for junior or non-tenured scholars (within 7 years of receiving their Ph.D.) from all academic disciplines to pursue cutting-edge projects on retirement or disability issues. Individuals from historically underserved or underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply.
Award details: $50K for one year. The program anticipates making 2 grants. Announcement on website: https://crr.bc.edu/about-us/opportunities/steven-h-sandell-grant-program-2/
Application due date: January 31, 2025.
American Institute for Cancer Research
Program: Investigator-Initiated Research Grant
Synopsis: Supports research that focus on nutrition, body composition and lifestyle, including physical activity, as prevention, treatment and survival of cancer. Supports early career investigators who are within 36 months of first academic appointment.
Award details: Maximum award is $150K for a 2-year project period, plus up to 10% indirects. No single year budget may exceed $75K.
Announcement on website: https://www.aicr.org/research/grant-programs/investigator-initiated/
Letter of Intent due date: January 17, 2025.
Proposal due date (invited): May 16, 2025.
Larry L. Hillblom Foundation
Program: Fellowship and Grant Programs in Diabetes Mellitus and Age-related Chronic or Degenerative Disorders of the Brain and Vision
Synopsis: Supports independent investigators and postdocs, affiliated with a California institution, for fundamental and translational research in either diabetes mellitus or degenerative disorders of the brain and vision. Proposals should employ genetic, molecular, cellular and / or metabolic approaches to one of the two categories.
Award details: Independent Researchers: $120K per year (including 10% for indirects) for up to 3 years, subject to annual evaluation. Postdoctoral Fellow: $75K per year (including 10% for indirects) for up to 3 years, subject to Foundation approval.
Announcement on website: https://llhf.org/programs/
Application window: December 30, 2024 to January 31, 2025.
Noster and Science
Program: 2024 Microbiome Prize
Synopsis: Supports young investigators for innovative research working on the functional attributes of the microbiota of any organism that has potential to contribute to our understanding of human or veterinary health and disease or to guide therapeutic interventions. Eligible entrants must be early career scientists who have received their doctorate at the time of entry, and within the last 10 years.
Award details: Grand Prize includes $25K and travel and accommodation for the prize ceremony, as well as a 5-year digital subscription to Science, and will have their winning essay published in Science (print and online). The Runner Up Prize includes an award plaque and travel and accommodation for the prize ceremony as well as a 5-year digital subscription to Science, and will have their winning essay published in Science online.
Announcement on website: https://www.science.org/content/page/noster-science-microbiome-prize
Submission due date: February 14, 2025.
National Endowment for the Humanities (reposted with additional info)
Program: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
Synopsis: Supports national or regional (multi-state) training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars and practitioners using digital technology in their research, and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities. NEH encourages proposers to develop proposals for multidisciplinary teams that include the necessary range of intellectual, technical, and practical expertise, including humanities scholars, advanced graduate students, librarians, archivists, museum staff, computer scientists, information specialists, and others. A multidisciplinary team will enable the learning of new tools, approaches, and technologies, and to foster relationships for future collaborations in the humanities.
Award details: Maximum award is $250K for a period of performance of up to 36 months.
Announcement on website: https://www.neh.gov/grants/odh/institutes-advanced-topics-in-the-digital-humanities?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Application submission window: November 15, 2024 to February 13, 2025. Project start date September 1. 2025 to September 1, 2026.
NASA ROSES / Directorate for Earth Sciences
Program: FarmFlux Science Team
Synopsis: Supports projects for the EVS-4 FarmFlux science team. FarmFlux will quantify emissions of reactive and greenhouse gases from U.S. agriculture and characterize agricultural impacts on air quality and ecosystems. FarmFlux will accelerate research at the agriculture – atmosphere interface through intensive airborne in-situ observations. The FarmFlux science team will work together to address four related objectives:
- Quantify the magnitude and near-source fate of emissions from animal feeding operations and characterize major human and environmental controls.
- Quantify the bidirectional exchange of gases over major crop systems and connect fluxes to surface and environmental controls.
- Explain physical and chemical properties of particulate matter in agricultural regions.
- Connect agricultural emissions to air quality impacts and advance new satellite data applications over agricultural areas.
Award details: Program funding for Instruments is $5.5M from which 10-12 awards will be made. Program funding for Model / Forecasting is $1.1M, from which 2 to 4 awards will be made.
Announcement on website: FarmFlux
Notice of Intent due date: January 17, 2025.
Full proposal due date: March 7, 2025.
Advanced Research Project Agency — Energy (ARPA-E) Department of Energy (DoE)
Program: Realize Energy-Rich Compound Opportunities Valorizing Extraction from Refuse Waters (RECOVER
NOFO #: DE-FOA-0003510
Synopsis: Supports the development of technologies to concentrate and recover high value energy materials from aqueous waste streams. Priority high value energy materials for the program are ammonia and metals considered critical to energy and diversifying the U.S. supply chain. Capable technologies will be energy efficient, highly selective, and durable over extended use. Processes will involve limited sequential steps, be scalable, and be adaptable to existing or new wastewater facilities.
Award details: Federal share of individual awards will vary from $1.5M to $4M. All proposed cost share contributions must be reviewed in advance by the Grants Officer and incorporated into the project budget before the expenditures are incurred.
Announcement on website: RECOVER
Concept Paper due date: December 31, 2024.
Full Application due date (invited): TBD
Department of Energy (DoE) / Naval Reactors Division
Program: Rickover Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering
Synopsis: Supports the broader objective of advancing fission energy development through the research efforts of the fellows. The technical areas with greatest interest include reactor physics, nuclear materials science and engineering, radiation shielding technology, thermal hydraulics, computational fluid dynamics, acoustic technology, artificial intelligence technology, and quantum computing. The program exclusively seeks doctoral candidates in nuclear engineering or closely related disciplines in the aforementioned research areas.
Award details: $3.8K monthly stipend, tuition and fees; conference travel assistance; theoretical and applied experience and more.
Announcement on website: https://www.scuref.org/rfp/
Application due date: January 31, 2025.
NSF / Directorate for STEM Education and Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnership (TIP) (reposted with full solicitation)
Program: Experiential Learning for Emerging Novel Technologies (ExLENT)
Solicitation #: 25-511
Synopsis: Supports inclusive experiential learning opportunities designed to provide cohorts of diverse learners with the crucial skills needed to succeed in emerging technology fields and prepare them to enter the workforce ready to solve our Nation’s most pressing scientific and societal challenges, like climate change and clean energy. Furthermore, the ExLENT program will directly support NSF’s priority to build a diverse workforce 1in emerging technologies to assure the Nation’s competitiveness in STEM. Key goals of the program are to (1) expand access to career-enhancing experiential learning opportunities for a broader, more diverse population, including adult learners interested in re-skilling and / or upskilling (e.g., those who face or who have faced significant barriers to accessing a formal STEM education); (2) promote cross-sector partnerships between organizations in emerging technology fields and those with expertise in workforce development; and (3) develop a workforce aligned with regional economies based on emerging technologies across the Nation, in alignment with the mission of the TIP Directorate.
Award details: Awards range up to $1M.
Announcement on website: https://nsf-gov-resources.nsf.gov/files/nsf25511.pdf
Proposal due date: February 20, 2025.
NIH / National Cancer Institute
Program: Co-Infection and Cancer (R01, R21)
NOFO #: PAR 25-082; PAR 25-083
Synopsis: Supports mechanistic and epidemiologic investigations addressing the roles of co-infection and cancer to shed light on not yet established pathways in carcinogenesis that may inform prevention and treatment strategies for infection-related cancers. Co-infection is defined as the occurrence of infections by two or more infectious (pathogenic or non-pathogenic) agents – either concurrently or sequentially – and includes both acute and chronic infections by viruses, bacteria, parasites, and / or other microorganisms. Investigations of cancer-related co-infections with known oncogenic agents and of co-infections that engender novel opportunities for prevention and treatment are appropriate. In addition to co-infection with pathogenic agents, investigations focus on the interplay with non-pathogenic (e.g., microbiome) are responsive, while investigations solely focus on co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are not responsive to this NOFO. Broadly, categories of interest are
- Co-infection Etiology and Epidemiology Studies
- Basic Mechanistic Studies
- Biomarkers, Early Detection, and Prevention
- Health Disparities
Award details: R01: Budget requests are not limited but must reflect the project needs of a 5-year project. R21: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275K. No more than $200K may be requested in any single year.
Announcements on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-082.html; https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-083.html
Application due dates: 3 standard due dates in 2025. Next due date is February 5, 2025.
NIH / Multiple Institutes and Centers (ICs)
Program: Research Opportunities for New and “At-Risk” Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01)
NOFO #: PAS-25-190
Synopsis: Supports independent research projects within the scientific mission areas of the participating NIH Institutes or Centers from a diverse cohort of New Investigators and At-Risk Investigators. While NIH values and encourages diversity, consistent with existing NIH practices and applicable law: (1) applicant organizations and awardees may not use the race, ethnicity, or sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, or transgender status) of a researcher as an eligibility or selection criteria to participate in this program, and (2) NIH does not use the race, ethnicity or sex of a candidate researcher or participating researcher in the application review process or funding decisions. Applicant organizations are encouraged to consult with their General Counsel to ensure all applicable laws are being followed in program design and implementation.
Award details: Dependent upon award amounts, NIH intends to make up to 15 awards from $9.5M program funding. Budget requests are not limited but must reflect the needs of the project.
Announcement on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAS-25-190.html
Application due dates: 3 due dates annually through 2027 for all applications except AIDS applications. Next due date for new applications is February 5, 2025. Next due date for resubmissions, revisions and renewals is March 5, 2025.
NIH / Across several Institutes (including National Cancer Institute) and Offices (ICs)
Program: Tobacco, alcohol and cannabis policy research for health equity (R01, R21)
NOFO #’s: PAR-25-240; PAR-25-241
Synopsis: Supports policy research projects that examine new or adapted policies pertaining to tobacco, alcohol, and / or cannabis in the U.S., with a particular focus on how the policy or policies influence tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use or secondhand exposure among populations experiencing disparities. Funded projects will involve authentic engagement with one or more community organizations with the aim of promoting equity in cancer prevention by addressing tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use and exposure. The long-term goal is to support tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis policy research studies that will improve health equity and promote cancer prevention. Examples of areas of research interests include (partial)
- Comprehensive smokefree environment policies, including smoke and vapor from cannabis products (e.g., smokefree school campus policies that extend to nicotine and cannabis vaping products);
- Overarching policy environment (e.g., studies that examine the dynamic interplay of different types of policies on tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use or secondhand exposure; how policies may work synergistically to reduce use or secondhand exposure).
- Policies that reduce the appeal of tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis products through advertising or marketing restrictions, package design requirements, and flavor bans.
Award details: R01: $500K for direct costs for a maximum project period of 5 years. R21: 2-year project period may not exceed $275K for direct costs. No more than $200K may be requested in a single year.
Announcements on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-240.html; https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-241.html
Application due date: Due dates through 2028 for all applications except AIDS applications. Next application due date is February 16, 2025.
NIH / National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Program: Focused Technology Research and Development (R01)
NOFO #: PAR-25-203
Synopsis: Supports the development of technologies that have demonstrated proof-of-concept and have already produced preliminary data, but must overcome significant technical hurdles to prototype development and tests of potential broad utility — beyond current technological capabilities. With an emphasis on broad utility, applications should not propose to test specific biological questions. For this NOFO, technology refers to tools, methods, and techniques that enable a broad spectrum of biomedical research that falls within the NIGMS mission, including but not limited to
- laboratory instruments and other devices,
- algorithms and software,
- chemical reagents and processes,
- biological molecules or systems that have been modified by human intervention for use as research tools.
Award details: Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the project for a period of up to 4 years, generally and up to 5 years for Early Stage Investigators.
Announcement on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-203.html
Application due date: Standard due dates through 2027. Next due date for new applications is February 5, 2025; for resubmissions, renewals, and revisions, March 5, 2025; for AIDS applications May 7, 2025.