| Week of February 24-28
Volume 12, Issue 4
“To study, and in the fullness of time to use what one has learned, is this not happiness? When friends come from afar, is this not joy?” —Confucius, Chinese teacher and philosopher, traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages (Learn more)
Student Spotlight: Israt Momo
Israt is pursuing a double major in international business and English writing studies and will graduate in December. As an international student from Bangladesh, she is proud to bring cultural diversity and leadership to the IUP community. She is a student worker in the Office of International Education, where she provides academic support and guidance to other international students. She assisted with Unity Day last fall and performed during the event, showcasing her Bangladeshi culture. Also last fall, she volunteered for the US Naturalization Program. Israt is the public relations officer for the South Asian Student Association. In this role, she focuses on making international students feel welcome at IUP and collaborates with other organizations to promote cultural awareness on campus. Israt is a member of Women in Business and the Muslim Student Association, both excellent opportunities to develop her leadership and professional skills while connecting with her peers. She is proud to have had a poem and short story published by the Department of Language, Literature, and Writing. Israt shared that all of these experiences have given her the opportunity to support others, build community, and contribute to IUP’s diverse and inclusive environment. We thank you, Israt!
Staff Spotlight: John Wesley Lowery
John is a professor and assistant chair in the Student Affairs, Student Success, and Disability Access Department and serves as graduate coordinator of the Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) program. Before the restructuring, he chaired the SAHE Department for a decade. John has taught at IUP since 2008 and previously taught at Oklahoma State University and the University of South Carolina. During his time at IUP, he has been actively involved in APSCUF, including serving on the Meet and Discuss team since 2012. John is a frequent speaker and author on topics related to student affairs and higher education, particularly legislative issues [including Clery, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and Title IX] and student conduct, on which he is widely regarded as a leading expert. He also serves as the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) historian and is a regular presenter on the history of NASPA and the student affairs profession. In 2022, John received the George D. Kuh Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature and/or Research from NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. We thank you, John!
Mark Your Calendars!
IUP Women’s Health & Wellness, an interdisciplinary hybrid panel, will take place Wednesday, February 26, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Leonard Hall, room 216, and via Zoom. Topics will include healthy lifestyles, wellness support for assault victims, and health issues voiced by women students. Organized by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, this event is free and open to the public. Refreshments and attendance vouchers will be available. (Cosponsored by the APSCUF Faculty Wellness Grant, College of Health Sciences, and Department of Language, Literature, and Writing)
In honor of Black History Month, the Indiana County NAACP will host its Soulful Dinner, free and open to the community, on Friday, February 28, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 285 Twolick Drive, Indiana. In addition to soul-food dishes, the event will feature music, games, cultural displays, and the screening of A History of Black Achievement in America. Registration is required on Eventbrite or by calling 724-464-8390.
Please PARTICIPATE or SHARE as appropriate or INCLUDE in your classes. |
- Monday, February 24: A Conversation with President Driscoll
- Monday, February 24: Study Abroad Fair
- Monday, February 24: Six O’Clock Series: Downtown Indiana, Inc.—Connecting IUP with Local Businesses and Events
- Tuesday, February 25: Haven Project Presentation: Modern Manhood—Strength through Connection, cosponsored by the University College and Student Inclusion and Leadership
- Wednesday, February 26: Lunch and Learn: Monsters and Humor in the Films of Jordan Peele (presented by Michael Sell)
- Wednesday February 26: Empowering Women Series Workshop: “Let’s Bring Each Other Up, Not Tear Each Other Down!”
- Wednesday, February 26: Haven Project Presentation: Volunteer Training in Green Dot
- Thursday, February 27: Respect Head Covers and Stop Stereotyping, 1:00–2:00 p.m. in the Elkin Hall Great Room, presented by the Office of International Education, Counseling Center, Disability Access and Advising, Women’s Commission, and Student Government Association
- Thursday, February 27: International Tea Time, 3:00–5:00 p.m. in the Elkin Hall Great Room, free and open to all, hosted by the Office of International Education. Further information: intl-education@iup.edu
- Thursday, February 27: Black History Month Dinner at North Dining
Hosting an event you’d like us to mention in an upcoming issue? |
Digest issues are emailed every Monday morning. Send all information concerning your event to social-equity@iup.edu, and we will include it in the appropriate weekly issue. Please be sure to enter your event in the online DIVERSITY, STUDENT, and CENTRAL CALENDARS so that it will receive wider marketing and achieve greater attendance.
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