Dear St. Lukers,
Last week’s ALL-IN Sunday was a wonderful chance for all of us to LOVE God together in worship! Remember, every first Sunday we encourage you to make it a priority to be part of worship in person so we can gather around the Communion table together, and share in embodied community with one another.
Worship is central to who we are as followers of Jesus and as St. Lukers, and it has been wonderful to see more and more faces back in person each week. It’s led to a number of questions around the future of worship at St. Luke’s – especially worship times!
As a reminder, we currently worship IN PERSON at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays in both venues; ONLINE we have our Contemporary service available at 9:30 a.m. and our Traditional service available at 11:00 a.m. (both live on our Facebook page).
The question of when and if we will return to worshiping in person at 11:00 a.m. is one we are paying close attention to. We want to be the best stewards of our staff and volunteers’ time, and currently our in-person attendance is at a level that only warrants a single in-person service for each worship venue. In addition, we are still operating at the bare minimum (or fewer) number of volunteers each week to be able to lead in worship and fellowship each Sunday.
We are hoping in the future...