Dear Called Followers of Jesus,
What a beautiful week of worship and listening we have had since Sunday. In both spaces we worshiped, praised, and heard Christ calling us to follow Him, and as a church to go where He is leading us. We had many responses to our first two discovery questions, both on paper and through our online poll. If you were not here on Sunday and have not had a chance to answer the questions (what brought you to St. Luke’s, and what keeps you following Jesus at St. Luke’s), please click here to send in your answers. The more information we have, the better as we discover our giftedness and strengths as a congregation. You can also sign up to join us at an upcoming listening post to share even more of your thoughts and ideas.
This week we are continuing the work of discovery as we move on with the next few verses in Matthew 4. After leaving their nets to follow Jesus as his students, the writer tells us of the great fame that begins to grow as Jesus and his disciples begin their ministry of teaching and healing. Listen to Pastor Jad’s lecture about these verses on this week's podcast episode as you prepare your hearts for worship, and check out your Monday Learn, Live, Love, and Lead email to consider the questions raised to prepare you for our next question of discovery.
This week in my social media memories a picture came up that struck me. It was from January 22, 2017, the day we all went...