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Thursday, March 13, 2025 - Day 31
Archive of past GAE Legislative Alerts this year


Late Tuesday night came word that half of the staff at the U.S. Department of Education had been laid off.  Pro-voucher groups crowed, and 21 states have already sued over the action.

Lisa Morgan, a kindergarten teacher and president of the Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) said: "On average 15% of total education funding or about $2600 per student in Georgia is provided by federal funding.  The elimination of funding for the Department of Education will be particularly devastating to more rural districts and districts with large numbers of Title 1 schools that receive more federal funding.  Almost 1 million Georgia students attend schools receiving Title I funds from the Department of Education. Georgia public schools would lose $653 million in vital funding to hire teachers and other school support staff to assist students experiencing the challenges of poverty."

Bill to attract more school psychologists passes Senate

HB 81, intended to make it easier to attract school psychologists to Georgia, passed the state Senate today.

Bill to increase permanent disabilty/death benefits for educators passes Senate committee

HB 105, which would double the permanent disability and death benefits to a public school teacher or school employee injured or killed on the job from $75,000 to $150,000, passed the Senate Education and Youth Committee yesterday.
The NEA Legislative Committee is hosting a listening session on Monday, March 24 beginning at 8 p.m. to discuss pending federal proposals and legislation.  Want to know the latest about what is going on in Washington, D.C. and what you can do about it?  Register for the event here.

Next Legislative Update: Tuesday, March 18

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