Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers/Staff,
St. Vincent de Paul has much to celebrate during its 32nd annual Catholic Schools Week!
This year, Catholic Schools Week will be observed the week of January 26, and the theme is “United in Faith and Community: Faith. Excellence. Service.” Numerous activities are being planned for the students, teachers, staff, and parents. A big thank you to our CSW committee chairs, Ms. Bousquet, Mrs. Malone, and Mrs. Price, and to Mrs.Caito, Ms. Geist, Ms. Hargens, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Kleffman, Ms. Kolberg, Mrs. McDermott, Mr. Polacek, Ms. Salerno, Mrs. Sullivan, and Mrs. Wane for planning the week. Please take a look at the activities we have planned—and participate in as many of them as you can.
In honor of our patron saint, St. Vincent de Paul, outreach efforts are traditionally planned for Catholic Schools Week. This year, we will offer prayers and raise money for the students and staff of our sister school, San Ildefonso, in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Students will also collect toiletry items (body wash or bars of soap, shampoo, hand soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss) for the SVdP pantry. The pantry prefers family-sized items but will appreciate whatever they receive. Students may bring items throughout the week.
Friday, January 24
In anticipation of Catholic Schools Week and to raise money for San Ildefonso, there will be a special “$1.00 Dress Down” Day today. Please follow dress-down day guidelines. Students may wear their school uniform if they choose not to participate.
Saturday, January 25- Sunday, January 26: CELEBRATE OUR PARISH
Students are asked to wear their school uniforms to Mass this weekend.
Show your school pride and gratitude to our parishioners.
The Awesome Angels Children’s Choir will sing at the 9:00 Mass.
Immediately following the 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Sunday Masses, children from the 5-day school will help the Knights of Columbus host a pancake breakfast. We would appreciate having students in grades 4-8 volunteer to help. Please click HERE by January 23rd to sign up if your child would like to volunteer for this opportunity. We ask volunteers to wear their school uniforms. We hope you will join us! The CSW teacher committee will prepare a special video collage for all to enjoy during the breakfast.
Please send a rosary to school with your child. K-8 students, teachers and staff will gather in the church to pray the rosary together.
Classroom winners from grades 4-8 will compete in the school spelling bee at 2:00 P.M.
Parents of contestants are welcome to attend.
DRESS THEME: It’s jersey day! Students may wear a jersey or other team attire. Students may dress down on the bottom (following dress-day guidelines). Students may not wear an official SVdP team jersey.
There will be a K-8 school Mass at 8:15 A.M.
Buddy activity: Students will meet with their buddies.
DRESS THEME: To prepare for our parish community’s SPREE 2025, it’s SPREEHAW dress down!
Wednesday, January 29: CELEBRATE OUR NATION
We will begin the day with an all-school pledge of allegiance to help us focus on our nation.
PIZZA LUNCH! Thank you to Nancy Maiers and Mr. Bentzen for organizing this special event. Order forms were due Wednesday, January 15. Please see mailing from Monday, January 6, to order. All parents are welcome to join us!
As a reminder, students may eat only at the times designated below:
K & 1: 10:50
2 & 4: 11:30
3 & 5: 12:10
6-8: 12:45 (6th grade usually lunches earlier but will eat at 12:45 that day)
There will be a patriotic door-decoration competition.
DRESS THEME: Wear our school colors of red, white, and blue as we celebrate our nation!
Thursday, January 30: CELEBRATE VOCATIONS
Grade eight students will join other Omaha-area Catholic school eighth-grade students, as Archbishop Lucas celebrates a special Catholic Schools Week Mass at St. Cecilia’s. More information has been sent by 8th grade homeroom teachers.
At lunch time, each group will pray for vocations during the last five minutes of the lunch period.
Decade Interruptions – it’s a surprise!
DRESS THEME: Dress like your favorite decade.
School dismisses at noon this day.
Students will gather in the gym for a friendly volleyball competition.
Each homeroom (K-8) will watch a movie.
DRESS THEME: Crazy hair and pajama day! Please note that some hair products may stain clothing; proceed with caution. Students should not bring any hair supplies to school.
Please follow the guidelines below (in addition to normal dress-down day guidelines):
If pajamas are worn, they must have a top and bottom. No pajama dresses or night shirts may be worn without pants. Any pajama bottoms worn must go to at least the knee.
Any logos must be appropriate.
Tops must have sleeves.
Slippers are acceptable, but students should bring appropriate shoes for PE and dismissal time.
Robes are acceptable (uniform or dress-down day guidelines must be followed underneath the robe).
Footie pajamas are acceptable (if your young child cannot go to the bathroom independently wearing footie pajamas, please do not have him or her wear them). Feet should have some type of non-slip surface on the bottom.
Loose sweats are acceptable.
There may not be any writing on the rear-end area of the pants.
This day is designed to create school spirit, and we need your cooperation in following the guidelines so that this is a fun day for everyone. Even if they are wearing pajamas, their dress must be modest and appropriate for school.
Other activities taking place during the week:
Each student will have a “prayer buddy” for the week. They will pray for that student during Catholic Schools Week.
Students will participate in three fun competitions against the other homerooms in their grade (different grade levels will do this different days, depending on space availability).
Please include the staff and students of San Ildefonso in your family’s prayers.