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Meet Dottie and View Our Newly Updated Website

Pasadena Family Dentistry is excited to announce that we have recently updated our website. Not only do we greatly appreciate the new look, but we also believe it will be easier to navigate for all your needs.
Part of this facelift includes a new video testimonials page, which highlights one of our long-term patients, Dottie. She was incredibly kind as she talked about her experience at Pasadena Family Dentistry and we encourage you to review her testimonial for yourself!
Watch Dottie's Testimonial
Registered Dental Hygienist Pam speaking with Dottie
We couldn’t be happier to have you as our patient, Dottie! Our team members are fully dedicated to helping patients understand their oral health and achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. No matter what your dental needs might be, Dr. Holmes, Dr. Revel, and Dr. Lowery are prepared to resolve your issues and make dental problems a distant memory. 
Finally, we’d like to ask you to please follow our Instagram page if you are not already. There, you can find updates from our office as well as exciting events that Pasadena Family Dentistry will be participating in.
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Want free lunch on us? Like our Instagram page and be entered for a chance to win a gift card!
Dr. Kimber Holmes and Pasadena'a Valentine's Day display
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With all that said, we look forward to seeing you soon and hope you enjoy viewing our new website.
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