Weekly Happenings
October 16, 2024

October 22
Westminster Book Group
9:30 a.m. • Fellowship
10:00 a.m. • Discussion

Goodpasture Hall

Dynamite Nashville
by Betsy T. Phillips
Presented by Guy Griffith

New evidence in 'Dynamite Nashville: Unmasking the FBI, the KKK, and the Bombers Beyond their Control’ uncovers the origin of an organized group of racist terrorists committing nationwide acts of violence against integration efforts in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The book also implicates both the FBI and local law enforcement agencies. No understanding of the violent nationwide white response to desegregation efforts then and white supremacist actions now can be complete without reading 'Dynamite Nashville.' Award-winning historian Betsy Phillips not only paints a detailed picture of the social dynamic of the times but also details how a violent fringe of racists came to national prominence. In 'Dynamite Nashville,' Phillips unmasks the KKK, reveals a racist terrorist network, "The Confederate Underground," names its principal leader, J.B. Stoner, and shines a much-needed historical spotlight on unsung civil rights hero and near martyr Z. Alexander Looby.
Buy a copy of the book here.

Westminster Café
8:00 a.m. - Noon

Take a break from the heat and enjoy the air-conditioned Cafe! - Find a quiet space to work - Meet with a small group - Bring children for a cool and easy outing (high chairs available) Park in the North Parking Lot and enter by the blue outdoor umbrella.

October 18
Fleece Blanket Cutting

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. • Westminster Café

Fleece Blanket fringe cutting returns! If you can cut,  we can use you! We will prepare 80 blankets for our middle school refugee friends and hope to have them ready before it gets cold!  Sign up here to let us know when you are coming! 

November 14
Music Box Series
11:00 a.m. • Fellowship
11:15 a.m. • Program
12:00 p.m. • Lunch
Westminster Cafe

Please join us in the Café this time and enjoy music by Debra Griner.
Please make lunch reservations with Sherri Givens. Cost $10.
An Evening with Nadia Bolz-Weber
New York Times bestselling author Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber has been called “a pastor for America’s outsiders” (BBC). She will be the first to attest that she doesn’t look like most people’s idea of a pastor, but the community of faith she founded in Denver, Colorado—House for All Sinners and Saints—is a haven for a diverse community seeking affirmation and acceptance.
Now a New York Times bestselling author, Nadia Bolz-Weber takes no prisoners as she reclaims the term "pastrix"(pronounced "pas-triks," a term used by some Christians who refuse to recognize female pastors) in her messy, beautiful, prayer-and-profanity laden narrative about an unconventional life of faith.
Using life stories—from living in a hopeful-but-haggard commune of slackers and her unusual but undeniable spiritual calling to her experiences pastoring people from all walks of life—and poignant honesty, Nadia portrays a woman who is both deeply faithful and deeply flawed, giving hope to the rest of us along the way.
Buy a copy of the book here.
Join us in the Sanctuary for a great night with Nadia. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. The evening starts at 7:00 p.m.
If you are bringing a group or need a discount, please contact Sophie Maness at smaness@nashvillewpc.org.
Join us and invite your friends for a wonderful evening!!
This event is made possible by the help of Westminster's Legacy Fund.
An Evening with Nadia Bolz-Weber

For more info on this event, please contact Will Wellman.

Contact us at info@nashvillewpc.org
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