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This Week's Puzzler

The Snapper

Puzzler time. This one is automotive in nature. Here we go. 

Years ago we had a car come into the garage. The car was making this snapping sound. It is a pretty common sound that comes from either a spark plug wire or a bad coil discharging. We would get that kind of stuff in the shop back in the day. 

So for those of you that don't know, it went like this. You'd turn the car on, the engine would run and every minute or two, there would be this little snapping sound, like a tiny little lightning bolt. You could hear it from the driver's seat. So sitting in the car with the radio off, you'd hear this noise.

So this was happening with this car. Although it was not happening with an engine miss, which sometimes happens. In this case, there was no engine miss, we were convinced that it was something to do with some sort of misfire, that somehow or another, a spark was jumping to ground. 

And that is what was happening, but we could not find the source. 

An examination of the secondary ignition system turned up nothing. We investigated all the wires and all that stuff. Nothing. 

Then, I had a brillant idea. It started to get cold and dark and rainy outside just then. So, I said to my mechanic, "Okay, stick the car outside. In a few minutes, it'll be dark and it'll be wet, and we'll see the problem more clearly, because it's going to exacerbate the problem. If you have a bad spark plug wire or a bad cap or a bad coil, you will see it, you will hear it, and it'll happen more frequently in the dark, wet weather."

So we put the car outside. 

An hour later, my guy goes out, and he starts the thing up. And he says, "Guess what? The noise is gone."

"How could this be?" I asked.

He says, "I think I know the answer."

I say, "You do? Give me a hint."

And he says, "Your brother's hair."

So, what is the answer?

Good luck.

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Remember last week's puzzler?

Sleeping Execution

Here we go.

It was a long, hot summer Sunday. This older couple was sitting in the Sunday Service at their church. 

The old man nods off during the sermon and he falls into a deep sleep.

He dreams that he is involved in the French Revolution. He's one of the leaders in the French Revolution, and he has been brought to the guillotine for execution.

He is about to be executed in this nightmare. Just as he dreams that the blade is falling, his wife notices that her husband is asleep, and she taps him on the back of the neck with her finger to wake him up.

The shock of thinking that the blade has arrived to cut off his head makes him have a heart attack, and he dies on the spot.

And the puzzler is simply this.

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