Open Enrollment Ends Tomorrow
The annual Open Enrollment Period is happening now through October 14. This period gives you an opportunity to enroll, make changes, or cancel various insurance coverage. Visit the Benefits website for details.
| Free CPR and AED Training
Register now for FREE AHA CPR training, which includes how to use AED devices. Two classes will be held on Tuesday, October 25 in the SAC Gym at 8:45 am and 12:45 pm. Registration required, space is limited.
Mind Body Wellness Summit
A fundamental tenet of UTHSC’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of our global community. As proponents of this mission, it is critical that we invest in our wellness to strengthen our impact and generate meaningful change. All students, faculty, staff, and community members are invited to a FREE, in-person event – Mind Body Wellness Summit: From Adversity to Resiliency – on Thursday, October 27, in the SAC's Schreier Auditorium. Space is limited and registration is required.
Boo Flu is Friday, October 21
FREE flu vaccinations will be available to UTHSC employees and students on Friday, October 21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, in the Madison Plaza. This flu vaccination clinic will be first come, first served. Additional dates may be added depending on the supply of vaccine. While flu vaccination is not required for the 2022-23 academic year, it is strongly recommended, and some academic programs may require flu vaccination.
| Investiture of Chancellor Buckley
An investiture is a time-honored tradition of welcoming a new Chancellor to a college or university – an honorary academic ceremony, during which the authority and symbols of the office of the Chancellor are formally conferred. You are invited to the Investiture Ceremony for Chancellor Buckley on Friday, November 4, 10:00 am, at the Cannon Center. Free parking. Please RSVP to
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