Did it seem like October flew by to you, too? It’s hard to believe we’re already in the first week of November … Advent and Christmas are right around the corner … and before we know it, we’ll be ringing in 2022!
Which is why right now, this series we are sharing in November is so important. It’s important for us, in the midst of our lives that are still struggling to get back to some kind of regular rhythm, to find the God-rhythm that can ground all our other rhythms.
This series on “Our Stories” invites – really, requires – all of us to show up, to bring our individual stories, no matter how hectic, no matter how unfinished, no matter how messy, to the table as we continue to explore what it means to be a community of faith, here and now, and in the future.
Last week, we talked about how important it is to LEAD, to recognize that our faith is not just about what happens on Sunday morning...