Grand Valley State University

Highlight of ECS Meeting of December 2 and
Preview of UAS Meeting of December 9, 2022

In an effort to improve communication between ECS/UAS and faculty colleagues, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) at its August 17, 2022, retreat reaffirmed a recommendation from August 12, 2021 that each week, a general message will be sent out to all faculty. This message will highlight the immediate past ECS/UAS meeting and give a preview of the upcoming ECS/UAS meeting. In particular, the highlight will summarize the key agenda items and provide context on the key votes; the pros and cons will be summarized and the key arguments for each highlighted. Herein are the highlights of the ECS meeting of December 2, 2022, and a preview of the UAS meeting of December 9, 2022. Meetings of the ECS are restricted to members of the ECS, their alternates, and others whom the ECS may invite, pursuant to SG Meetings of the UAS are open pursuant to SG
Highlights of ECS Meeting of December 2, 2022 
Chair’s Report:
  • The term of those appointed to the University Technology Council (UTC) by ECS is expiring. ECS needs to appoint members whose term will be January 2023-December 2024. Those who are currently on the committee will be contacted and asked if they would like to continue to serve.
  • BOT states that each fall each College or UL shall decide if the dean, or associate dean if designated by the dean, will attend as ex-officio, non-voting member of the College/UL personnel committee and the results of the decision shall be reported to the chair of ECS/UAS. Chairs of the College personnel committees should send the results of this decision to Chair Ngassa.
  • Standing committees will submit Mid-Year Reports by Thursday, December 15.
  • The ECS/UAS Chair Mid-Year Report will be available on Tuesday, December 13. Members of UAS can use this report as they complete their FWRs as they report their work on UAS.
Provost’s Report:
  • There has been a focus on data on how students have been doing this semester. The Provost is assembling a small team of faculty to look at data and identify what data to look at.
Student Senate President’s Report:
  • The Student Senate held a holiday party this week at The Meadows golf course.
  • Student wages legislation passed and will be sent to ECS/UAS for endorsement.
  • Credit/no credit legislation will be voted on next week.
  • Comment boxes are having a lot of comments and things pertaining to faculty will be shared. A suggestion was made to collect data on which box comments they are coming from, so that the Student Senate could post responses near those locations to demonstrate responsiveness.
  • Appreciation was expressed for how faculty consider students in ECS/UAS.
  • President’s Ball is being planned.
New Business
  • ECS moved to endorse the assurance argument and forward to UAS.
  • The Online Education and Microcredential Council (OEMC) Memo on Membership Change Request was reviewed. The change will result in the removal of budget officer in the Office of the Provost and an administrator from Institutional Marketing as ex-officio members of OEMC. ECS voted unanimously to support with recommendation to UAS.
  • The Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC) Memo on Annual Salary Adjustment Request for 2023-2024 was reviewed. FSBC’s recommendation is a raise of CPI plus 1.5%, which has been the historical recommendation. Typically, in the past, the University has met this minimum standard, but it has not been met the last 2 years. ECS voted unanimously to support with recommendation to UAS.
  • ECS discussed university committee membership and the reporting structure of committees. This will be discussed further at the ECS summer retreat.
  • The Theme of the 2022-2023 UAS Newsletter is Lakers Ready for Equity and Sustainability. All past newsletters can be found on the faculty governance website. All are invited to send contributions for newsletter articles to Chair Ngassa by the end of February. The newsletter will be published in April.
For more details on the above items, please go here.
Preview of UAS Meeting of December 9, 2022
  • Presentation from WGVU
  • Discussion and Request for Endorsement of the Rev. Dr. MLK Commemoration for Winter 2023
  • Review of Year Four Assurance Argument for HLC
  • FPPC Memo on Timeline for Full Professor
  • FSBC Memo on Annual Salary Adjustment Request for 2023-2024
  • OEMC Memo on Membership Change Request
Please, feel free to reach out to your ECS or UAS representative from your College/University Libraries to provide input on any UAS agenda item that you may like to weigh in on.
Thank you for your continuous interest in faculty governance.
Felix N. Ngassa
Chair of ECS/UAS 2022-2023
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