TDEC will provide matching funds to eligible Tennessee entities applying for federal funding under U.S. EPA's 2023 Clean School Bus Grants (CSB) Program to replace older diesel school buses with new all-electric school buses.
Though the CSB Program does not require grantee match or cost share, EPA has indicated that applicants demonstrating the commitment of other funding sources to reduce the federal cost for projects to below 100% will have their proposals more favorably evaluated. TDEC is committing a portion of the State’s Volkswagen Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust (EMT) allocation to support Tennessee school districts and other eligible entities improve the competitiveness of their applications and maximize the amount of federal funds that may be granted to Tennessee entities under the CSB Program.
TDEC, through its Office of Energy Programs (OEP), will commit the following funding amounts as “non-federal share” to projects in the following manner: