St. Johns-St. James Safety and Mobility Project Update - September 2024
The City of Vancouver is currently working on the St. Johns-St. James Safety and Mobility Project. The project is exploring opportunities for safety and mobility improvements for all people on the roadway. This spring, we heard from community members about their transportation needs and now we’d appreciate your feedback on proposed designs.
Take the St. Johns / St. James Design Survey!
Let us know if we are on the right track with the proposed roadway improvements.
Do these improvements address the safety concerns? What improvement is most important?
Please take this short survey (English | Spanish) to learn about and provide input on roadway improvements for the St. Johns—St. James corridor. Help us prioritize improvements when funding is available for construction. You can open the survey and project information on the project website or by clicking the image above.
To learn more and stay updated on the project, please visit the St. Johns - St. James Safety and Mobility Project BeHeard webpage.
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