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GAE Legislative Update - Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - Day 23
Archive of past GAE Legislative Alerts this year

Eight bills advance in House Ed subcommitee

All eight bills considered in House Education Committee subcommittees today adanced, and are likely to be passed by the full House Education Committee this week:

HB 133 - Would allow public school students to leave campus to attend a course in religious moral instruction, for credit, and as an excused absence (hearing only),

HB 175 - Would require employee comprehensive background checks for early care and education and Head Start programs,

HB 200 - Would establish a three-year pilot immersive writing program for eligible public elementary schools, and

HR 145 - To urge that the Department of Education and Department of Public Health collaborate to prioritize the expansion of vision and hearing screenings at various grade levels.

HB 127 - Would increase the number of personal days an educator may take from three to five if the individual has sick leave available,

HB 235 - Would give school employees leaves of absence for the donation of bone marrow and organs,

HB 335 - Would provide mental health information for student athletes and their parents, and

HB 371 - Provides for an increase in the state's maximum authorization of capital outlay funding for schools from $300 million to $375 million annually.
No education bills on the calendar in either chamber today

Next Legislative Update: Thursday, February 27

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