Ticket prices include a buffet dinner, unlimited non-alcoholic beverages, and a Shiner beer. Stay tuned for additional drink specials! Make sure to get the early bird tickets while you can as all prices will increase on April 8th. Tickets will not be sold at the door the day of.
March 23rd - April 7th
Early Bird: $45
12 Under 12 (Ags under 12 years of age): $12
April 8th - April 21st at 2:00 pm
Membership Ticket: $50
General Admission: $60
New Army Ticket (2020 grads - current students): $50
12 Under 12: $12
Specialty Tickets
Friends of New York Aggies: $125
Includes 1 ticket and website + event program recognition.
If you'd like to be anonymous, please let us know.
Muster Sponsor (two tickets): $300
Includes 2 tickets, 2 t-shirts (or codes to our online merch store),
program recognition, website + event recognition
A few things: some work computers/networks block the payment module from showing up. If that happens to you, please try on a different computer or network. Also, make sure to select "other" from the drop down menu to avoid the additional platform fees.