Is your group ready to welcome newcomers this holiday season?
Electronic Group Registration:
Geographic Area or Global Electronic Area? |
Part of the registration process for Al‑Anon electronic groups is determining whether a group wants to register with the geographic Area or with the Global Electronic Area (GEA). Find out how to best guide that decision.
Are You Ready to Welcome Newcomers this Holiday Season? |
The holidays are approaching quickly. For newcomers seeking help at this time of year, please make sure that your group meeting information is correct.
Do You Have International Connections? |
The World Service Office’s (WSO’s) International team has built connections with many countries around the world, and you can help add to the list. If you have family or friends living outside of the World Service Conference structure who would like to attend an Al‑Anon meeting, check out the current list of Al‑Anon contacts worldwide. If your loved ones’ country is not listed, you may be able to help us make a connection.
Remember, it only takes two people to start a meeting. The International team can provide support for a group to grow into a structure connected with the WSO. To carry the message globally, please send contact information and as much detail as possible to
Our Differences Weave One Tapestry |
“As a child, I thought of my differences from others as something that made me special. No one else I knew lived in a single‑parent home or moved and changed schools every year. As I grew, I tried to learn from others how to fit in…”
The Forum Needs Your Sharings about Our Three Legacies! |
Please consider writing about one of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts of Service, as your World Service Office receives very few sharings about them. Submissions should range from about 200 to 400 words.
NOTE: Submissions in Spanish or French must be accompanied by an English translation. Submit online or send your articles to The Forum, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454‑5617; or to
Last Call for At-Large Résumés! |
The World Service Office (WSO) needs your experience, strength, and hope. Have you considered serving as a Volunteer on a WSO At‑Large Committee? These Committees help provide direction regarding our Conference Approved Literature, major Public Outreach projects, and which sharings to include in The Forum, as well as oversee our annual audit.
At‑Large members must have at least five years of continuous Al‑Anon experience to serve. Submit your résumé by October 29, 2024.
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