May 2024 newsletter
May 2024 newsletter
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May 2024
The College Counseling Department has had an eventful year. In the fall, our College Readiness course produced remarkable results. For the first time since the pandemic, 100% of seniors were accepted to college! The Class of 2024 put in countless hours editing essays and submitting applications, and it has paid off with multiple acceptances per student. Additionally, we welcomed 13 college admissions representatives to our campus throughout the fall, from as nearby as the University of Portland to as far away as Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania.
This year has presented us with some hurdles, the most significant being the rollout of the updated Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In an effort to make federal funding accessible to all students regardless of their family’s citizenship status, the federal government updated FAFSA, but the update roll-out was three months late. That delay and continued FAFSA glitches have negatively impacted colleges’ ability to release financial aid information to prospective students in a timely manner. Although FAFSA delays brought many headaches for our seniors and their families, they have been resilient and did not allow this to deter them from their goals. We will continue to work with our seniors and their families to ensure they access all funding available to them to make college affordable.
To the Class of 2024: It has been a wild ride, but I admire how you each have handled the challenging college application process. As a class, you have come together to support and celebrate the ups and downs of this year. I know that no matter what paths you each take as you leave De La Salle North Catholic, you will continue to be there for each other and show the world what it means to be part of our Knight Nation family. I wish you the best of luck. Now go out and continue to make us proud!
Amanda Rodela Weingarten '05
College Counselor
Another Great Year for Health Careers Club
The Health Careers Club brings professionals from many fields within the healthcare profession to talk to students about their jobs, their education, and their journey along the way. With 70 students enrolled, it is DLSNC’s most popular club, and meetings generally see a turnout of 30 or more. Occasionally, the presentations include a hands-on aspectthis year students were taught to close a wound by suturing as well as the basics of an ultrasound machine.
With a lot of organizational legwork on the part of Amy Lacks, Science Department Chair and STEAM Program Director, we offered seven amazing lunchtime sessions for the Health Careers Club this school year. Speakers ranged from dentists, nurses, therapists, surgeons, an anesthesiologist, a gynecologist, and a pediatrician. Many thanks to all our valued presenters: Jinky Hickcox, mom of Joshua Hickcox ‘26, and her colleague from Willamette Dental, Dr. Yashar Sekhavatmandi; Monica Norwood, mom of Syniah Allen ‘25 and registered nurse at Legacy; Dr. Dayle Hodge, OHSU; Dr. Chidimma Abanulo, Femme Flôr Women's Pelvic Medicine; Karina Peters, Soobin Im, and Marti Diaz-Domm, The Children’s Program; Deirdre Burton, Metropolitan Pediatrics; and Nathalie Johnson, Legacy Cancer Institute.
DLSNC Celebrates Our Patron Saint
The benevolent spirit of St. John Baptist de La Salle shone down on our school community through glorious sunshine for Founder’s Day on May 10. Founder’s Day is one of the only days of the year that the entire school is together, and all students, faculty, and staff joined in the special activities.
The traditional celebration started with a meaningful assembly in which we heard reflections on NW Connections, a two-day community-builder shared with our sister Lasallian schools in the Pacific Northwest. The recipient of the 2024 Lasallian Educator of the Year was also revealedMath Department Chair Barbara Bodzin couldn’t be more deserving of that honor! Then we dispersed for a full morning of service work at 13 sites all across the city followed by a barbecue lunch in our courtyard and Commons. 
Many DLSNC teams helped out at shelters (Jean’s Place, Laurelwood Shelter, River District Navigation Center, Walnut Park, Willamette Center) with various organizational and “spring cleaning” tasks. Teams went to several schools (Holy Cross, Woodlawn Elementary) where they were of service through outdoor cleanup, supply sorting, and playing with students. Lots of invasive blackberry got pulled and trails cleared at two public parks (Kelly Point, Marquam) while other teams contributed to youth enrichment at Foster Flood Plain Nature Reserve and the Boys & Girls Club
Since DLSNC’s founding in 2001, De La Salle’s Saint Day has been an opportunity to highlight our Five Lasallian Principles and to make our motto, “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve,” truly come alive. 

What A Season!

Our 2024 Spring Sports season concluded May 16-17 when seven student-athletes competed in the OSAA 3A Track and Field State Championships on the world-famous Hayward Field in Eugene.
During the two days of competition, our Knights had some truly outstanding performances. In throws, Max Walker '24 placed 1st in shot put, making him State Champion! Other results were: Bucky Coleman ‘24 (4th-800m, 8th-4x4 relay); Javier Mora ‘25 (3rd-800m, 4th-1500m, 8th-4x4 relay); Rosvin Russell ‘24 (2nd-high jump, 6th-110 hurdles); Brandon Troncoso ‘26 (5th-400m, 8th-4x4 relay); Jahzara Wheatt ‘27 (14th-shot put); and Ronald Woods ‘24 (10th long jump, 8th-4x4 relay). In the end, Knight Nation can boast eight individual medals and a 5th place Men’s Relay Team trophy. 
Overall, this track season was very successful, to say the least. We had a great turnout of students join the team with representation from freshmen to seniors. We were able to be competitive in a variety of events from sprints to distance, and on the field side, we scored significantly as well. Many records were broken this season, and personal bests were made. We are truly proud of our track team for the hard work, character, and commitment they displayed all spring. Go Knights!
–Demetrius Rhodes, Athletic Director, Head Track & Field Coach

Student/Teacher Team Selected for Incredible Opportunity

DLSNC Junior Kahlial Lofquist recently teamed with English Department Chair Anne Warrington in a competitive application process for the Bezos Scholars Program. This month we learned that their hard work paid offthey are one of only 12 student/teacher pairs from around the country to receive this honor. The year-long leadership program brings its participants (the 24 US students and teachers plus five students and one teacher from the African Leadership Academy in South Africa) together for an all-expenses paid trip to the Aspen Ideas Festival in June. It continues through the following school year when Bezos Scholars return home, participate in virtual trainings, and launch sustainable community change projects to transform their schools and communities.
Here’s an excerpt from the Bezos Family Foundation’s press release about the honor, which gives a sense of Kahlial’s drive: “As a biracial person with dwarfism, Kahlial knows firsthand the importance and need to support diversity and inclusion, particularly within sports and education. Though those with dwarfism are often physically and intellectually underestimated, Kahlial’s accomplishments and community impact prove that despite his small size, his mind is sharp, his heart is huge, and he’s a force on the basketball court. He is also a coxswain for his rowing team, runs track and field, and swims. Kahlial wants to encourage youth with disabilities to pursue the sports they love, regardless of any challenges, real or perceived. He is also driven to increase access to higher education resources and provide career mentorship opportunities for those with physical disabilities.” 
Kahlial recently shared, "I wanted to be a Bezos Scholar for the amazing opportunity to learn, grow, and give back while building lasting friendships with a diverse group of like-minded peers from around the world.” Way to go Kahlial and Ms. Warrington!
Asian American Pacific Islander Assembly
Our final heritage assembly of the year took place in mid-May, celebrating Asian and Pacific Islander culture. The event educated us regarding important holidays in the Asian and Pacific Islander calendar, focused on prominent Asians and Pacific Islanders in the media, and then concluded with a rousing game of Red Light/Green Light as inspired by Squid Game. Many thanks to the Asian Pacific Islander Student Union, Ms. Brunning, and Mr. Alex for such a well-organized, informative, and fun event!

Snippets from the CWS World

This winter students were polled about which topics were of greatest interest to them as they prepare for full adulting. They chose Managing Debt, Public Speaking, Resume and Cover Letters, and Career Exploration. Throughout the spring CWS Partner supervisors from Cascadia Partners, Creekside Village Retirement Residence, First Tech Federal Credit Union, Growing Gardens, and Umpqua Bank stepped up to provide brief midday workshops on the selected topics. We also hosted industry-specific lunchtime panels on merchandising and local government. With 50 boxes of pizza consumed and many questions asked, this new offering was a hit! 

Mahetot Eshete ‘26 recently had an enriching    day in Corvallis with her supervisor and colleagues from the Adolescent and School Health team of the Oregon Health Authority. They were there to attend Joining Our Youth: A School Health Services Conference.
↑ The Student Associates at Levy normally work at the Oregon Convention Center, but recently several of them were treated to a field trip to another popular location at which Levy provides catering and food servicethe Oregon Zoo. The fun day demonstrated Levy’s deep commitment to fostering a family culture for its staff and also how its work is more than just making food but rather creating delicious and memorable experiences.
Selfie with a Supervisor!
For the first time in several years, all four grade levels at De La Salle North Catholic are working five days per month in local businesses across the gamut of industries. To celebrate this exciting development in our integral Corporate Work Study (CWS) program, we’re taking a regular peek into the experience, from both a student’s perspective as well as that of his or her supervisor.
Oregon Health & Sciences University has partnered with us now for nearly 20 years. Senior Kynayzya Brewer is at the OHSU Center for Women’s Health on Wednesdays (plus one rotating Monday per month) working with Kafiat Beckley, Practice Manager.
How are you growing this year as a supervisor to a DLSNC Student Associate?
I’ve been more reflective about my communication style. In my mind, I know exactly what I want, exactly what I need, but I’ve had to ask sometimes, “Is Ky really hearing the message I want to convey?” Knowing that she is growing in her role, I’ve used some different communication tools with her, like the talk-back method. Having Ky here has been a great reminder of how important this type of mentoring is. (Kafiat Beckley)
What’s been the coolest thing about working with Ky?
Ky is like a breath of fresh air to be around. The boost of morale she offered to our work environment with her energy and willingness was so refreshing. We have all types of folks at OHSU who are really renowned, and Ky, being pretty ambitious, came in unafraid to ask everyone questions. It was amazing to see my colleagues willing to share their journeys with her so generously. It was like they were giving their 18-year-old selves great advice from the future. (Kafiat Beckley)
How are you growing this year working as a Student Associate at OHSU?
I really want to do something in the medical field, and when Ms. Ashley said there was an opening at OHSU, I was like 100%, I’m in. It’s not just a hospital but people are learning and training there as well. I’m taking Honors Anatomy and Physiology this year so I knew that being there would help me with my homework. 
I want to learn the business side of medicine as well as the patient side. There is so much that the regular person doesn’t see. It’s not just patient to doctor, it’s also what happens from doctor to manager, and then manager to CEO. I’ve realized that healthcare has its ins and outs and that there’s a lot of sacrifice behind the mask. (Kynayzya Brewer ‘24)
What’s the coolest part of your job at OHSU?
The department I was in was so fun. They treated me like I was one of them. The first day I was in a meeting about team bonding, and they turned to me and said, “What do you think?” I remembered the note bags we do at Akwantu and shared, and they were like, “OMG, good idea, Ky!” After the energy of that kick-off, it was like, we’re all human, I’m no better than you, nor am I less than you. I feel like that’s so important for going into a new workplace. And that continued. It was always, “We’re so happy to have you here, thank you so much for all you do.” Those are reassuring things that make a kid want to come back to work and learn. (Kynayzya Brewer ‘24)
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