March 13, 2025
The DCHS Speech & Debate Team had great success at the IHSFL State Championship where they placed 2nd in Speech, 4th in Debate, and 3rd All-Around. Conrad Krantz was champion of Extemporaneous Speaking and runner-up of Spontaneous Speaking, Ella Johnson was runner-up of Original Oratory, Joaquin Antezano was runner-up of Humorous Interpretation, and Jacqueline James and Coco Lovell were 3rd in Duo Interpretation. Leo Klemm was named finalist for IHSFL Senior of the Year and a semi-finalist in Public Forum Debate with Cate Sullivan. Cesar Duran, Lily Carfrae, Olivia Kruger, Matthew Pierson, and Isabelle Colon Alba were also finalists. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the Academic Decathlon Team on an excellent performance at the Iowa Academic State competition where the team finished 3rd in the Super Quiz Bowl large school competition and 5th overall. Max Fazio was state champion in Social Science, silver medalist in Essay, and bronze medalist in Math. Also winning individual awards were Carson Klein, Fernando Konrad-Parras, Cora Volp and Rowan Knox. 
DCHS had an outstanding performance at the Jazz in the Bluffs competition over the weekend where the Jazz Ensemble placed 1st, Abbie Rodriguez was named Outstanding Soloist, and five performers received Outstanding Performer Awards (Abbie Rodriguez, David Juric, Gregory Pease, James Pease and Jacob Suresh). The Jazz Band also placed 1st in their division. Congratulations! Photo credit: Pat Finnerty
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Testing Day
ACT/PreACT Testing Day will take place on Tuesday, March 25th for sophomores and juniors. There will be no school for freshmen and seniors. All sophomores and juniors need to report to school on time at 8:15 am for testing and must come prepared with their CHARGED school Chromebook. Students should also bring a pencil to use with scratch paper and their ACT-approved calculator, unless they prefer to use the calculator provided within the testing application.
Senior Baby Ads 
Senior parents - submit a baby photo of your child along with a message for the yearbook! The cost is $30. Pay online here. Submit your photo and message of 60 words or less via email to by March 13. This is optional for senior families. 
Lent Almsgiving Project
People to People's annual Lent Almsgiving fundraiser will benefit Mary's Meals. For $25.20, we can feed a student in Africa for an entire school year. Our goal is to raise funds to feed 350 students in Malawi and Zambia. For $6.30 per student, we will achieve our goal of raising $8,820 this Lenten season. Cash, coins and checks will be collected through Easter (4/20). Students may donate in their Theology classrooms or in the cafeteria. Donations are also accepted on the GiveButter page. Thank you for your support!
An Evening with Fr. Mike Schmitz
Iowa Catholic Radio is offering a special discount to teachers, parents, alumni and students of DCHS to attend Encounter the Eucharist: An Evening with Fr. Mike Schmitz, the #1 religious podcoster in the world, on April 2nd. 
Fr. Mike is known for inspiring millions across the globe through his Bible in a Year podcast, which spent 24 days as the top show on Apple Podcasts and remains the biggest religion podcast in the world. Visit and use exclusive promo codes DCHSSTUDENT and DCHSPARENT. 
Spring Musical
Dowling Catholic High School presents Shrek The Musical on May 1st & 2nd at 7:30 pm and May 3rd at 2:00 & 7:30 pm. Purchase tickets online

Parent Survey
The Catholic Schools Office is asking parents to share their experiences in our Catholic schools. They want to hear your stories, what you like, and how your school has made a difference in your child’s life. Please take a few minutes to complete the Parent Engagement Survey. It can be completed anonymously, but please consider becoming a parent advocate and help spread the word about our great Catholic schools.
Tuition Assistance 
The application process for the Catholic Tuition Organization (CTO) and Diocesan Tuition Assistance (DTA) is open and families are encouraged to apply before the April 15th deadline. Please note that applying for CTO/DTA does not affect eligibility for the Education Savings Account (ESA) program. Please visit (school code: 450 | password: 450ddm). 
Post Prom 
Plans are underway for Post Prom at Spare Time in West Des Moines from 11:30 pm-2:30 am on May 10. The cost depends on funds raised in advance. Your support is needed to help offset the expenses and keep ticket costs reasonable for students! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through Give Butter or sending a check to DCHS Post Prom. Donations to be used toward prizes can be dropped off at the Business Office. Thank you for helping make this event a success and ensuring students are in a fun and safe environment after prom! 
Tuxedo Rentals
Visit Skeffington's for special pricing on tuxedo rentals! Post Prom will receive a donation when you let them know you're with DCHS! 

Camera Donations
The art department is looking for Digital (DSLR) and Film Cameras (SLR). Please email Lindsay Cooper if you have questions.
Bash on Buffalo 
Please join us on April 12 for our biggest celebration of the year! NEW this year, Bash proceeds support the STEM Endowment to enhance programming for all students. Visit our website to RSVP, purchase raffle tickets and volunteer! Our committee is also seeking donations which can be labeled "Bash" and dropped off in the President's Office. Please email Bonnie Bronson or call 515.222.1095 with questions.
Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement
Families who live more than three miles one-way from DCHS may be eligible for a nonpublic transportation reimbursement. Forms must be submitted each semester (by Dec. 1 & May 1). Eligible families will receive one check following the end of the school year. Instructions are available here.
2024-25 Yearbooks
Don't miss out on the 2024-25 yearbook! To purchase, log in to OnCampus, select Resources, Blackbaud Tuition Management, and Purchase Optional Items. 

Job Openings
DCHS is seeking a Chemistry and an Earth Science teacher for the 2025-26 school year. Please visit our website for more information and to view all open positions. 
DCHS is also seeking an Administrative Assistant/Equipment Manager for football. Please click here to learn more and apply.   
Dowling Catholic Post
Did you know DCHS has an amazing online student newspaper? Visit to read the latest news!
Dowling Club
Be a part of the tradition and join the Dowling Club boosters that have been supporting our student-athletes since 1941! Membership includes a sports pass that provides admission to ALL home athletic events (excluding tournament play) and a one-time 15% Campus Store discount. Find the membership level that best suits your needs here. Thank you for your support! 

Scholarship for Youth Caddies
The Evans Scholarship is a full-tuition and housing college scholarship for youth caddies. Wakonda and the WGA are partnering with area schools to connect high-achieving (and need-based) students with summer caddying jobs. A program overview is available here. Click here for information on caddying. 
Pre-Health Symposium
A FREE symposium will be held on Friday, April 25, 2025, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at University of Nebraska Omaha's Dodge Campus. It's perfect for high school students interested in exploring healthcare careers. Register here
Tippie Gateway Summer 2025 Program
The Tippie Gateway Summer Program application is now OPEN for current juniors until April 1st. 

When: June 22 – June 27, 2025 OR July 13-18, 202 | Where: On campus at the University of Iowa | What: Learn about business, college life, and all that a future in business holds for you!
The program is free! APPLY HERE! Participants will have the opportunity to engage with current Tippie students, staff, professors, alums, local business owners, and professionals.
Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth (MITY)
This non-profit organization provides academic enrichment programs to advanced learners in grades 9 - 11. This summer they are offering over 100 unique classes in STEM, humanities, and the fine arts, all taught by experienced educators. Small class sizes, field trips and a focus on experiential learning empowers students to pursue their passions with peers from around the world who share their interests. Learn more here
Summit STEM Fellowship
This virtual summer fellowship, open to rising 9th-12th grade students, aims to identify top students and connect them with mentors from Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and other top institutions, to explore different opportunities and career pathways in STEM. The fellowship is 10-15 hours per week, and events take place in the evenings and weekends. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so early submission is encouraged. To learn more and apply, please visit the program website. Please email with questions. 
Raikes School Summer Camp
The Raikes School of Computer Science and Management at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is accepting applications for a summer learning opportunity for high school students. The summer camp was highlighted by Forbes and continues to provide high-quality computer science education to interested students. Priority Application Deadline:  March 31, 2025. Students who submit their application by this date will be notified of admission & scholarship decisions by April 11. Final Application Deadline: May 1, 2025. Learn more and apply online
Iowa Insurance Division Internship
Are you aware of a junior or senior high school student in Iowa trying to decide which career field they wish to pursue? The Iowa Insurance Division provides opportunities to gain real-world experience through an internship as an insurance regulator. Click here to learn more. 
Summer Camps
The Catholic University of America School of Engineering will host two residential summer camps for rising juniors and seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Learn more here.

UW–Madison Badger Precollege Program
Summer 2025 registration for Badger Precollege opened on Jan. 13. This innovative program provides students with the opportunity to explore their academic interests and learn more about the college experience. Courses are offered in various subjects from engineering and computer science to art and psychology. Learn more and register here. 
Barnard Pre-College Programs
Students are invited to apply to the Barnard Pre-College Programs. These programs are designed to inspire students to explore their academic passions, build leadership skills, and experience the vibrant life of New York City. Learn more about the summer programs here
DMACC Spring Discovery Events
Explore career opportunities with DMACC's Career Discovery Events! High School students are invited to join us to learn more about a range of career pathways, tour local companies, and learn more about future career opportunities through these interactive events! Register now

Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines for Seniors
Scholarship season has started with many deadlines approaching. View the ICAN scholarship database for a list of scholarships which your student may be eligible for. 
Northwestern Pre-College Online Program
Northwestern has launched an exciting new program for motivated high school students featuring interactive tools and a flexible structure that allows them to discover a variety of interests. Visit their website to learn more.
Healthcare Events
The Polk County Healthcare Workforce Collaborative is hosting a series of events for high school students interested in the field of healthcare. Visit for event details and to register. 
APRIL 12: Bash on Buffalo
Please join us at the Bash on Buffalo, our biggest celebration of the year! The event features a silent auction with onsite and remote bidding, a live auction, delicious food, signature drinks, and more! RSVP, purchase raffle tickets and sign up to volunteer here. Online sales for raffle tickets will end on April 9 at noon. The drawing will be held April 12. Need not be present to win. Bash proceeds will support the STEM Endowment to enhance programming for all students. 

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